My au

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Arias Pepper:

-Is a voice actor of background characters

- 20 years old

- Is a positive young woman

- Susie's best friend

- She always agrees with Susie even if she thinks it's wrong

- After a incident Arias went missing....or did she go missing 

-tends to get a little over excited over little things

- Dark hair

- Ice-Blue eyes

Mayra Pepper:

- mother of Arias

-grumpy and short-temper woman

- one of the brilliant writers at Joey Drew's

- dislikes Abby Lampbert

- Rather spent time with Arias then her smokin addiction.

- Loves coffee

- hates Sammy

- Ice-Blonde hair

- cold blue eyes

Marcia Tillman:

- one of the engineers 

- rather go hide then work

- admires Lacie 

- she most likely to be in the clouds then on the ground

- Likes to pull harmless pranks here and there

-Dark hair

- Green leaf eyes

-Allison and Tom never got married in my au. 

- Susie has black hair and...golden eyes. Idk I always picture her with golden eyes

- Allison is taller then Susie ( who is 5"6 while Allison is 6"1)

- Allison has blonde hair and amber eyes

-Lacie is the bendy animatronic

- Wally is another bendy

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