Chronicle 2

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Season 1 

Episode 1

Part: 1

Location: Unknown


I screamed for what felt like hours before falling out of the sky in some alley.

I groaned as I got up. I looked up to see nothing but a blue sky. I breathed out as I started looking around the alley. My stomach hurts from me falling on it and my hand aches from when I punched the mirror.

Some homeless people scurried away from me as they started looking at me with big eyes and holding their stuff close to their chest. I guess they saw me fall from the sky.

I walked out. The sun actually hitting my eyes making me blind for a little until my eyes finally got adjusted and I could see. I look around and a city in front of me and people were running from something.

I followed where they are running from getting a few stares as I went. I probably didn't look my best but I don't really care what people think. I just fell out of the sky for hell's sake I probably looked like crap.

I finally hit a crowd as they stared up at a building. A guy pushed by me and I moved out the way as he passed. He had a navy color jacket on and I couldn't see his face but he looked familiar somehow. I pulled out my phone and noticed I got no service. Great.

I moved through the crowd a little until I hit a kid with an old man. "Hey what's this about?" I asked them. The old man looked at me and said "the building blew up on the top level."

"Oh," I said to them as I stared at the building with smoke coming out of it. This all looks so familiar like I've seen this before. Maybe from a movie I watched.

My eyes grew as a man with a hood on jumped out the window with a woman in his hand and landed on the ground just as the whole flew crumbled and blew up again. He sat the woman down on the ground gently as he looked up. Then he tugged his hood down and ran off.

What in the hell. I ran over to try and help the woman just as another joined me. "Is she okay?" She asked me. I looked at the woman on the ground and she seemed fine other than a few bruises.

"She's fine other than smoke inhalation," I said to her. The other woman was quiet so I knew she didn't understand me. "Smoke in her lungs," I said as I finally looked up and saw her. She looked beautiful, but also familiar.

She had brown hair that fell to around her mid back and she had highlights in it. She had a blue and yellow shirt on with a scarf and a light brown jacket thrown over her. She was absolutely stunning.

"Are you good?" She said to me snapping me out of my thoughts. "What?" I said to her confused.

"Are you good?" She asked me again looking at me weirdly. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. How about you," I ask her. What is happening?

"I'm good," She said to me. Then we just fell into this awkward silence. The paramedics came and took the woman up. I stood up and watch as she leaves. I've got to stop her she can give me answers.

"Wait. Can you tell me where I am," I asked her. She looked at me stranged and said "You're in Los Angeles." She walked off as I stood there shocked.

How did I come from Michigan all the way to Los Angeles? Another thing where am I going to sleep.

I walked around a little before I heard my stomach growl. Crap I haven't eaten today. I snuck on the bus as it took me somewhere I jumped off as service finally came back to my phone. I looked up food places near me and they said there was a cafe nearby.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Chronicles of Alex HuaWhere stories live. Discover now