1- Property

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Dia Yanni's Pov

"Okay, few more shots, and we are done here" The photographer informed me. I am currently here at YY Incorporated. My fiance's company. She started selling cosmetics and clothing it was a big brand since her parent was already famous and well-fed, While I was just a middle-class singer-model who happen to bump into Yu Yan on an eventful night.

"Thank you, Yanni. I hope we can do more next week with miss Yu for a change" The photographer wanted Yuyan and me in one frame, he said it would be a bomb if we have 2 or more models in one frame.

"No problem Laoshi, I'll talk to Yuyan about this matter and make it possible"  I bowed at them and said my goodbyes before going to Yanzi's office. I knocked at her gigantic door and hear her say "come in."

When I walk inside I almost couldn't see Yuyan with a pile of paperwork in front of her "I thought this is support to be more modern and they'll be sending an email instead of papers?" I asked tracing the tall paper in front of her "Well as much as I hated this too, this is their report." 

She stopped typing from her computer and stand up, walking up to me "so how was the shoot?" She kissed my forehead and hugged me "I was good, but not that fun without you" I said and snuggled into her neck.

Yuyan was the sweetest person I ever met, she was quite disciplined and very loving "You wanna grab some coffee before you return to work?" I looked at her, I love how cute she is when she is pretending to think, she never says no to me "Hmm, give me a kiss first" she said.

"Come here cutie," I said and peek at her lips "nooo, I don't want that," She said pouting to me, can you imagine the cold-brute boss is acting childish? I giggled first and snake my arms at her neck and kiss her passionately "there, are you satisfied now?" 

She nodded her head up and down like a kid "let me grab my purse" She said and took a quick peek again. We are walking on the open grounds in front of her building going to the coffee shop near her company "why don't you take a break Yanzi?" I asked her, she was always busy and maybe never even stop working even on weekends. 

"I can't do that you know?" She said softly and tighten her grip on my waist "I know you can't, I just don't you to be burned out" I said as we entered the shop. She ordered black coffee but I always add too many sugars into it at first she was wondering why I always do it but eventually she let it go, I just can't help myself when I myself like sweet. 

"Don't worry about me babe, I have you. You are my rest" She said and we went to the waiting area for our to-go coffee to be called "Yanni?" The cashier called and handed her coffee and my caramel iced coffee "let's pick up some fresh flowers, shall we?" Yuyan said and reached out her hands that I gladly accept. 


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We got into one of Yuyan's favorite flower shops it was all fresh and new here that's why she always buy here for her company event and her life events too. The florist here is my friend, we've known each other since Yuyan couldn't make it, so, I sort things out to help her "Hello it's nice to meet you again" The owner said.

"It's nice to meet you too, miss Song Xinran" Yuyan greeted her with formality while I just waved my hands to her and smile  "the usual?" She asked us "yes, my soon-to-be wife is in love with Carnation, and please I don't want my wife receiving two-toned carnation." 

Yuyan is very particular with her order. Why carnation? It's very interesting, to be honest. If you pick up one of these blooms, choose white (sweet and lovely) or pink (I will never forget you). But stay away from other colors. The two-toned version means "I cannot be with you," and the yellow ones signify 'disdain.' Not exactly a crush-worthy sentiment. The meaning of the flower is very important.

When Xinran got back with a fresh bouquet Yuyan smiled seeing only white and pink but n to two-toned "Here you go, this is our fresh-picked carnation" I reached and smelled the flowers, it wasn't the most fragrant but it smells like cinnamon "oh and can I order Violets?" Yuyan asked. Violets? What for? "Next time, I want it to add with our usual," she said and Xinran only nodded and list it on her little note.

We waved our goodbye and went back to Yuyan's office "What time will you go home?" She asked me as she typed again "I can wait for you" I said and took a sip of my coffee, I walked toward her and lift her chin "or we can go home now, leaving all this stress" I said as I moved away from her laptop.

She pulled me and made me sit on her lap sideway "what are you implying miss Dai Yanni?" She said in almost whisper "All I'm saying is we can continue this at home" She hummed and kissed me, at first it was light but after a few more seconds it got deep and heated, I shift my position and face her, snaking my arms around her neck.

"You are mine," She said between our kisses as her hands went under my clothes. Before things got out of control her sister burst the door open causing us to stop and stand up panting "I-Uhm, you guys look tired?"  She said not sure if she used the right word "No, It's okay. What do you need?" Yuyan stretched her body and sit back down.

"I just want to submit my report and want to ask if my head manager is supposed to be rude?" Yuyan sighed and gestured her hand to report to her "The head manager is your guide Sharon and tell her I need to talk to her about her behavior" Sharon's eye lit up "okay got that, bye" Jumping her way out.

"I'll be going home then" I gave her another deep kiss "You are my property tonight, Yanni," She said and kissed me again "I'm your property forever,"  I said as I reached to her collar and straightened it "bye, your driver's in the lobby now" She gave me a quick peek and as I reached the door the rude manager Sharon mentioned was about to knock.

And just like that, another day was well- spent.


Okay, guys, this is more likely the introduction. The roller coaster starts at chapter 2.

Love you all, I hope you liked this chapter!!

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