Chapter 3

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Burger King looking as- I mean-
You scrambled to the bathroom, outfit in hand while Foxy followed behind you. You said, "Foxy, wait here until I come out." And went inside to change. When you were halfway done you heard a big metal clunk and a sigh. You giggled and continued dressing. When you were done you came out to see Foxy sprawled on the floor, murmuring things under his breath. You giggled, "Captain, up! No time to laze around!" He jumped up and said, "Laddie, I wasn't lazing around! was just resting me bones, or should I say pans?"You burst out laughing. Foxy cracked a smile when he saw you laughing, knowing that he made you less gloomy. You said, "Wait, father owes me 10 bucks." Foxy asked, "Lad, why are you giving yer pap 10 male deer? Why do you call yer pap 'father'?" The smile faded from your face and you said, "He bet me 10 DOLLARS that I wouldn't get a job. And he had hasn't earned the title Dad."Foxy said, "Ok, but what title have I earned?" You smirked and said, "Captain Jack Sparrow." Foxy wimpered, "Captain who-now?" You shook your head and said, "Captain Jack Sparrow is the Ex-Captain of The Black Pearl. He is basically permanently drunk and has as much sense in his head as a dead goldfish." Foxy pouted and whined, "Awwwww. Dang it."You laughed, "If you can do a card trick then you can be promoted to Captain Hook." Foxy said, "I can do more than that! Just give me a sec-" "FOXY!!" Chica came running down the hallway. Foxy whined, "What does ye want?" Chica came skidding to a halt and said, "Freddy needs us!"Foxy said, "Oh shoot." And they sped down the hallway, Foxy moving way way faster than Chica. You followed Chica, occasionally yelling for her to slow down. You stopped at the stage area, at the edge of the steps. There, on the stage, was the one and only Freddy Fazbear. He growled, "Why is he here?" "He wanted to come." "So?" "He has a frickin METAL BAT. WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?! AND FOXY DOESN'T WANT US TO KILL HIM!" "FINE." Foxy yelled, "Just get on with it!"Freddy said, "Well, as you know, THAT day is coming up soon, two days from now. What do you want to do for it?"Bonnie said, "Well, I can play my new song!" Chica chirped, "I can make the best pizza ever!" and Foxy grumbled, "I'll stay out of yer way...", his ears falling. Freddy looked at Foxy with sympathy and said, "You can tell us another story, one we haven't heard before." Foxy's ears perked up and he said, "Yeah, That I can do." Freddy said, "And I'll do everything else. We'll prepare tomorrow."They all scattered, each going back to their original places. Foxy was heading back to his cove, slightly wincing when he saw the Out of Order sign. You walked over, picked up the sign, and said, "I'll take this and burn it, ok?" Foxy smiled gratefully and climbed back into Pirate's Cove just as it turned 6.You sighed, clocked out, grabbed your stuff, and left, oblivious to the fact that you left your metal bat, AGAIN. You hummed Join us for a Bite as you walked home, feeling quite warm and fuzzy inside. When you got to your front door, you groaned, remembering that today your father was working from home and you forgot your bat AGAIN. You opened the door to your father yelling at you. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING OUT SO LATE?! WHAT'S IN THE BACKPACK?! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF, Y/N?!" You yelled back, " HEY, I GOT A JOB, OK?! THE JOB IS OVERNIGHT AND MY UNIFORM IS IN THE BAG!! WHAT DO I HAVE TO SAY FOR MYSELF?! YOU OWE ME TEN BUCKS!! " and stomped upstairs._-*-_Le time skip_-*-_You were binge watching anime when your father yelled, "Y/n, the door!" You yelled, " Fine! " and trudged downstairs. You opened the door, expecting another telemarketer. Instead you got a young man in a restaurant outfit (man as seen above) He smiled, said, "Hello, yeah you forgot this." and handed you your bat. You were stunned, because you had never seen this man before, though something about him seemed familiar. He winked and walked away. You silently closed the door and padded upstairs to continue your anime-watching._-*-_Le time skippiest of skips_-*-_You arrived at the pizzeria at 12:10, late because you were getting some shut-eye. Foxy was waiting near the door when you came in, mumbling to himself and tapping his foot. When he noticed you came in he squeaked, "Lad!" and ran to give you a hug. You made little sounds of protest as he crushed you in a bear hug. After hugging you to Helheim, he put you down and asked, "Where was ye?! I was worried sick!" You laughed, "Missed you to, Captain Hook." and tossed him the package you had in your hand. He caught it clumsily, due to his hook hand, and studied it while you changed.

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