Chapter 3: Odd question

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— " Do you have any friends? "

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" Do you have any friends? "

Started Writing: Thursday 29 September (2022) -15:55

Finished Writing: Friday 30 Spetember (2022) 


Odd Question Chapter 3.


POV: Koharu Ito

Yesterday was strange. Not only did I learn that Tsukasa isn't as nice as I thought, I also helped catch a little girl and Akane is also apparently a wonder.. welp! The more you know!


My thoughts were suddenly cut off by Nene's voice


She said excited

KOHARU: Hm? Whats-

Before I could finnish Nene interrupted me

YASHIRO: Loook at what I gott!!~

She lifted up her hands and she was holding a love letter

KOHARU: Ooh!! Wowee!~ look's like you have a admirer! Who signed it?

YASHIRO: The sender didn't sign it! It says they just wanted to tell me they love me!!~

She excitedly squealed

YASHIRO: Have you seen Hanako by the way? I wanna brag!

I laughed and shook my head

KOHARU: Nope! Sorry! Maybe try looking on the roof or outside?

YASHIRO: Alrighty!! Thank you!

She skipped away. Good for her! Looks like Nene's life is finally taking a turn for the better!


AOI: *giggle* my, what's Nene so happy about?

KOHARU: Someone confessed to her!

I answered...until I got a sudden thought

I wonder how Tsukasa is! Sure he's spreading bad rumours but there has to be a reason why. I'll just go visit him!

AOI: Hey, are you alright?

KOHARU: Oh, yeah! I'm just gonna go to th-

I cut myself off before I could finish. I don't think i'm supposed to mention the fact i'm part of all those terrible rumours..

AOI: ?? What were you saying?

KOHARU: Sorry! I just remembered that I have a doctors appointment! Bye Aoi!

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