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As I stepped out of the plain the cool breeze flowed across my skin and I shivered at the sudden coldness, we were here I was finally away from the place that will haunt me forever and I am ready to start again. The memories of seeing her being tortured and knowing that there was nothing I could do to stop it broke me she was so young and hopeless, I watched her break down little by little for a week till she cracked and her body mentally and physically gave up, I wouldn't have a clue what she did to deserve that and I know it's not my fault but it killed me to watch what he did to her and ever since I've blamed myself yes I was chained up but I could've told him to torture me not her I was so much stronger than she was I could have handled it better, but I guess I was to shocked and paranoid to actually know what happened until he killed her and then the memories flooded back and I knew then and there that I should have stopped him with all the power I had.

"Abbie"my mum yelled awakening me from my thoughts,
"Sorry mum it just f-flooded back int-to my m-m-mind ag-gain"i explained, tears dripping down my face.
"Come here darling"my dad said with a worried face, so I walked over to him and cried on his shoulder for what felt like forever but was only about 2-3minutes.
"Come on Abs we better get to our new house"my mum explained in a soft sweat tone,
"Yes mother"
The ride to our new house was dead silent and not that comfortable silence OH NO it was that awkward silence that no one likes, so when we arrived I stayed quite, grabbed my only bag from the car, because the truck with the rest of our stuff wasn't going to be here till the end of the week. Once I grabbed my bag I grabbed the keys from dad and entered the house, it was beautiful the walls were white there were random quotes on the walls, but I didn't bother to read them or pay attention to anything else I just walked up the stairs and found the room right at the end of the hallway no where near to the other rooms so I could have space. I placed my luggage next to my bed and took in my new room, it had black walls, a queen sized bed right next to the window, a white couch in the left corner from the door and a small desk in the other corner big enough for me to do my homework on. It had a cupboard to the right of my bed and draws to the left. To sum my room up it was quit frankly me.

I was to into my thoughts to realise my mum standing in the door way,
"How are you"she asks worry lacing her voice
"I'm okay mum I could be a hell lot better but I'll make it through"i explained
"That's good honey, how do you like your new room"
"I love it it's definitely me, thanks mum we didn't have to move to California..."
"Yes honey we did for both you and us"my father joins into the conversation
"Okay as long as your happy"
"Yes honey were happy"
Once my conversation with my parents finished I proceeded to unpack my bag into my green draws it took me about 30 minutes with my big duffel bag, once I finished I hopped on my bed and rested which only left me to think about the day my sister died right In front of my eyes, so here I am now half an hour later with tears streaming down my face, I never knew why he did that to her and I don't to this day, I'm not even sure if I ever want to know, or if I'll ever find out all I know is he didn't get caught so he could be lurking around following me everywhere I go waiting for the right time to come and attack me and do what he did to her...but I won't let that happen I'm stronger than that hell I was 10 times stronger than she was then let alone now, but if he did ever come and take me I would be prepared.
"Abs dinners ready"my dad yells from the kitchen
"Okay, give me a minute"i said
I jumped out of bed and slipped on a hoodie, I made my way down to the kitchen, as I did so I could smell the pizza goodness coat my nostrils, oh how I missed eating pizza, after dinner I had a shower and went to bed.
'"Don't worry Abbie I'll do it slowly and painfully and you can watch as she suffers" he said dangerously making me finch,
"I don't even know why your doing this what did I do, what did she do"i yelled at him scared that he would hurt me but even more scared that he was going to kill April,
"Ah but sweety, that's for me to know and you to find out, now what first April, knife, or hot water, knife good decision"
"Oh my god no April no..."'

"Abbie wake up, wake up, it was just a dream"my father says shaking me trying to wake me up,
"B-but it was s-so real he was th-there hurting her" i exclaimed pain coating my voice,
"It's okay Abbie it's all over now"my father says lying me down, I close my eyes and soon fall into a piece full sleep.

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