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TWO updates in one day? Thats because once again i won't be able to update for a while soo/... I repeat! I'm not good in writing!


Katsuki sighed as he put one of his hands on the counter and the other to wipe the sweat off of his forehead. His head hurt a bit but he kept on scrubbing the pots and pans he used for cooking.

He was tired as hell. He had been constantly working for two hours which wasn't that much but sure as hell was allot when you didn't get breakfast not did you get lunch. 

He cleaned the lounge, his parents room, the bathroom and he was currently doing the kitchen. 

He looked at the clock which was beside the sick and read the time.


'I still have time'  

After he finished washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, putting the food in the fridge, he looked at the time again.


he sighed again and took the washing gloves off of his hand and neatly hung them beside the sink.

He lazily walked up the stairs and into the small room he was given.

He went towards his bed and fell face forward.

'I could use some sleep...' and he did.

He was out like a light because of the tiredness and drowsiness he felt. his long eyelashes covering his red eyes. He fell into a deep sleep.


Katsuki's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes just to close them again.

'why the hell in my head hurting..?. I sighed and lazily got up and slouched while going to the bathroom. As soon as I entered I saw an off shoulder shirt on the sink..? with a few designs on the end of it's sleeves. And right next to it were black tights.

Why the hell are they on my sink..? Oh yeah- I had to wear them on my date with todoroki.

I stopped in my track as my eyes widened.

A date with todoroki...Wait a second...



How can I be so stupid!?

I quickly picked up my shirt and the thights and quickly put them on my bed and then I looked at the clock.



I quickly ran inside my bathroom, ignoring my growling stomach, quickly stripped and went into the shower. 

I took a shower less then five minutes Trust me, I'm shocked to. I don't have timee!!

I quickly brushed my teeth and ran outside the bathroom, still naked and trying not to slip on the water.

1'st person.

Katsuki quickly dried himself and then looked at the time again.


He ran towards his drawer and took out his foundation. 

Oh, he knows he was born with nice skin. He just needed to cover up his bruises.

As soon as he finished applying some he quickly wore his shirt which was a bit tight but mEh.

After he quickly wore his shirt he wore his black tights as well. which were also tight but he was getting late!

After he was finished with that he looked at himself in the mirror and for the first time in the while he thought he actually looked pretty..

The tights hugging his ass perfectly and the off shoulder shirt showing his flawless shoulders which looked and probably were soft.

He quickly ruffled his hair and looked at the time again.


He gasped and he picked up his phone quickly put on a bit of perfume which wasn't that strong. He originally smelled like caramel so he didn't put on much.  

he looked at himself in the mirror again and ran out of his room, shutting the door behind and running out of the house (of course locking it and keeping the keys under the rug) And running towards the location.

After five minutes of running towards his destination he took a two minuet breather ad started running again.

His legs were slowing down and his chest burned but he was excited! He was finally meeting him!! Sure his head started pounding but his happiness could not be compared to anything else. He laughed while ruining, so close to his location.

Sure there was anxiousness but who wouldn't be anxious?

As soo as he reached his destination he stopped.

He took a few deep breaths and re checked his location.

wait what...

Katsuki tried so hard not to cry. His heart was beating painfully fast in his chest. As he just stared at the old rusty bus stop place where there was no one but the evening's wind with him, and the moon. 

He couldn't believe it..

Was he...played?


Fate? Or a mistake? (♡♡Todobaku texting♡♡)Where stories live. Discover now