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Amera: "Hey girly"

Jade: "Heyyy... so how's life out there so far"

Amera: "it's ok I guess"

Jade: "meet any fine men"
Only jade would ask that Amera thought.
Amera smirks while shaking her head says "nah just been looking for a photographing jobs out here... it's been tuff" Amera sighed

The phone goes silent for a minute

Jade: "just keep looking... I'll be out there soon with you" said jade trying to comfort her "ok" the soft voice says on the other side of the phone.


1 week later


One of the camera men yelled to the players. Looking around the huge room Amera was interrupted by a man saying "are you going to stand there the whole time" he said slightly raising his voice. The place was packed there were coaches standing by the door there were players getting interviewed and some where getting pictures taken.

Amera stood there clueless for a minute before running after the man that just spoke to her "I don't really know what I'm supposed to do"
Amera said still running after him, He could at least stop and talk she thought finally catching up to him.

"Clean all the lenses to my camera's and clean up my set up i'm going on a break it should be done by the time I'm back" he says walking away. Amera sighed picking up the bag that held all the camera's.

Amera didn't know much about basketball but reading the players jersey the teams name was "golden state warr..iors" she mumbled. After 20 minutes past Amera was finally done, this is the perfect time for me to get some behind the scene pictures she thought. Grabbing her camera she took pics of camera men taking picture's of players, the press interviewing the players, also the empty locker room or so she thought.

After at least three pics Amera stops she feels like she's not alone in the room anymore

"who are you" the voice says sounding like a man

turning around Amera looked at the man towering over her at 6'5 as her heart beaded so fast it felt like it was going to fall out she "A.....mera" he smiled seeing all the fear in her eye's "well Amera i'm Jordan and that's my cubby right behind you so could I get to it" she moved out the way feeling so embarrassed making her way out the door "wait" Jordan said "you think you could snap some pics of me in front of my cubby for me" smiling Amera agreed. fifteen minutes later she was telling Jordan her whole life story, How did him asking for pictures turn into us having such a deep conversation.

while he was telling her all about his two cat's kota and kai Amera couldn't stop looking at his lips he's so fucking hot she thought getting snapped back to reality by a man saying "hey ma'am you can't be in here"

Amera almost walking out " I'lll see you around and here" Jordan says handing Amera his phone number "send the pics to me when you get a chance appreciate it by the way" Amera grabbing the piece of paper from his hand she grazed her hand against his he had soft hands she thought. "for sure" she says


A/N: Hi I hope I spelled everything right this is my first time making a Wattpad story and I want it to be Awesome!!

I promise it's only up from here just wanted you to see how Amera and Jordan met.

chapter 2 will be fast forwarded 2 months into Amera working for the golden state warriors as a photographer (she's one of three and the only female)

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