The Bride and The Bride - Ginny x Luna

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Here I am. Ginny Weasley. Soon to be married. 

The wedding that my family had set up had been beautiful. It was an outdoor wedding at the Burrow. It was a calm summer day, and nearly everyone that had been invited had attended. The whole Weasley family, extended included, were there, as well as plenty of Ginny's school friends. She hadn't seen many of them since the war.

The altar had been decorated with pink tulips and hanging fairy lights, and I stood there, with the officiant, waiting for my bride. I had chosen to wear a burgundy suit to the wedding, with much opposition to my mum, who would rather me wear a dress.

Suddenly I see Xenophilius at the end of the aisle. And then there's Luna beside him, being walked down the aisle as the music starts to play. Luna looks stunning, as she always does, in a translucent bubblegum pink dress. Only Luna would think to wear something like that on her wedding day, and I love her for that.

Even from where she stands, I can see the tears in her glossy eyes, gazing at me with such love and adoration, which is quickly mirrored by my own. Luna makes her way to the front, standing in front of me and reaching for my hands, which she quickly captures in her own. I faintly hear the music stop and everyone sit as I look into her eyes. 

The officiant begins.

"Do you, Ginevra Molly Weasley, take Luna Elizabeth Lovegood to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." My eyes never leave her as I grip her hands tighter.

"And do you, Luna Elizabeth Lovegood, take Ginevra Molly Weasley to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Without further ado, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss."

Luna gives a little hop as she pulls me towards her, her arms around my neck as I lean down to kiss her. We barely notice the tears coming from both of us as we embrace.

"I love you so much, Luna," I whisper, pushing my forehead against hers.

"I love you too, Ginny.", Luna replies. "More than words can express."

The music starts up again, and I give a laugh as my new wife tries to lead me onto the dance floor.


A/N: 377 words. What other one-shots do you want me to do? 

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