Journey To The Valley of South

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(A/n just you know Liosressian is a Male god with a power to make disaster result while Shalandarus is a Female god with a power that can balance on what Liosressian could do. together they are like Yin and Yang)

Exirilios: why am I getting this vision liosressian and Shalandarus?
Then a loud voice whispered This will show you what will happen if you stop its only a warning chosen one
Exirilios: Thank you Liosressian and Shalandarus
Lloyd: Exirilios! we have found attackers trying to invade our village
Exirilios: I foresaw this. Place the archers to the walls, place the magi at the towers. Place the Warriors behind the gates
And make the rouges into stealth mode we cannot let them enter our village
???: Today! we will strike down against Demons Today! we won't let them escape Onwards
As the army of Southern hills March on Elenor they don't know what's hidden inside
???: Captain Dearkeor we have Report that one of their leader and the 5 Trainers lead the Village
Capt.Dearkeor: Kill them all leave no one after killing them Take their homes to ours On ward My Darried Knight
Darried: Ok soldiers Attack their walls
Exirilios: ok here's the plan Im gonna put Arcane Barriers to enchants the walls to become Unable to break Shalara ri su riya cari Niro ka
After Exirilios saying Niro ka Every wooden Walls turns Arcane Walls
Capt. Dearkeor: What! Attack destroy there walls and leave no one alive!
Exirilios: Ok January When I say go. signal your Archers to shoot. Lloyd When I say Fire signal our Magi to cast Fiery Spear to burn down our enemies, Warriors at my hand When the gates open Charge the enemy Rouges
As 30 evil soldiers Attack and Exirilios gives the signals non of the evil soldiers came out alive and it's just stand between captain Dearkeor and Exirilios

Dearkeor : you will die!
Exirilios: not if I kill you first!
Dearkeor quickly shot him with an arrows but Exirilios castes Arcane Shield and protected himself from the arrows
Then Exirilios Casted Wind Sheer which hit Dreakor and quickly blowing him away in 13 meters but Dreakor quickly dash and punch Exirilios which knock him down and got up and uses Arcane portals (A/N its a portal that you can go through theres 2 portals which you know what it's more like portal gun) then Casted Water Spears which making Dearkeor hurt but it did not stop Dearkeor he quickly Dash more then Exirilios Cast Arcane touch which making Dearkeor Flew up in the sky then fall to his death

Dearkeor : Powerful-
Exirilios: it's over we have won. Hmm strange sword Dreakor brought to us
Justin: *Gasp* That's sword, it's must be like no other
Lloyd: it's like no other
Exirilios:Please tell me what is this sword
Justin: Long time ago this sword was made from the great God Duyunaki. he said this sword must not be fall to the wrong hands but not for long it said that the old Gods who lives to this place still looking for the sword The old Gods names were Richirias, Marilios, Karisians and Crusiantiancuriancunian and the other one was still unknown All of the gods drop a strange essense Duyunaki said that Each one of the old Gods live in different Continents but we only found 3 continents some people belive that the 4th one was Sink to the buttom of the sea but some still hidden Beyond the world but It's not too long Duyunaki was corrupted and onces again one hero slay the great God but the soul was not keep to Rescurilion it was kept in this blade and it named The Corrupted Erona Blade.
???: Wise young one.
Justin&Lloyd: who are you?!?
Exirilios: I think I know
January&Jack: guys what's wrong?
Exirilios: Stand back! it's the blade
Duyunaki: Your.......Right........I am...... still...... In the blade.....
Justin: After all this years, how is it possible?
Duyunaki: I....Am......Your God...I Am.....Only.....Your God.
January:No! your not They are still 4 of the gods that is not corrupted
Exirilios: I will take this blade to the temple of liosressian&Shalandarus to be keep as an artifact
January: Guys we heard that the village near us are The valley of south And the Southern hills and the West kingdom
If we let them join us we will have enough Army to be prepare
Lloyd: that's not a bad idea
Exirilios: but we're not humans like you guys
Jack: it's ok the Valley south were Elves and there leader is a Elemental mage he can cast every element in the world (thats frost,fire,earth,wind,arcane,nature,water and lighting) and also but the one who attack us were the Southern hills they were crazy humans the west kingdom.. I don't know but The elves will help us beside they looked like you anyway.
Exirilios: very well let's go to the Valley of south!
Jack: ok.
Exirilios: Justin you will be in charge and Lloyd will go to the western kingdom while me and jack are gone may the gods watch over us.
Lloyd: ok Exirilios good luck in your journey

To be continued
(a/n hey guys I really like enjoying you guys reading this)

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