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"Ya, I'm running to the market!" Jisoo yelled over to her father.

"Jisoo-ah!" Her dad called after her, "Grab some milk too, we're almost out."


Jisoo threw on her coat, and walked out the front door. She put her hood over her head and headed down the street. She did her best to keep out of view of anyone that was walking down the street. She owed money to a lot of people, and she knew that they were always out here looking for her. She ducked into an alley way and took a short cut to the market to avoid people.

"Jisoo-ah~" A voice sung out behind her, causing Jisoo to spin around and prepare to fight whoever was behind her.

"Chill!" The man threw his hands up in self defense. "It's me, Seok-min!"

Jisoo relaxed her stance and took a step back. "You're stupid," she said turning around. "I would've hurt you."

Seok-min jogged and caught up to Jisoo. The two had been friends since they were children. Seok-min was usually the one who was getting them out of trouble while Jisoo was the one that was getting them into it. They left the alley and they were outside a convenience store next to a gambling center. There was a major horse race going on and you could hear the yells coming from inside.

"Maybe we should check out the races?" Jisoo laughed and smacked Seok-min on the shoulder.

She walked into the store and browsed around the aisles while Seok-min kept a look out for her. She grabbed items from the shelves and made her way up to the front counter. Right as she got to the counter, she felt a cold blade against the back of her neck.

"Back away from the counter," a cold voice said from behind her. "And put your hands on the back of your head."

Jisoo slowly put her hands to the back of her head and turned around. In front of her was none other than Lee Dae-song. One of the few people she did not want to run into, ever. She heard a groan of pain and looked over to the side to see Seok-min laying on the ground clutching his side.

"Let him go," Jisoo begged Dae-song. "He has nothing to do with this."

All that earned her was a hard slap to the face. But Dae-song's men carried him out of the store. "My money, Park," Dae-song spat in her face. "I want it, now."

Jisoo stuck her hand in her pocket and pulled out 40,000 won. She threw it at him and then kicked him in the groin. Then, she made a dash for the door and ducked under his men. As soon as she was outside, she ran for her life. She took the alleys and turned all sorts of corners to lose her pursuers. However, as soon as she turned the corner, she was met with a fist to the face causing her to collapse to the ground. She was dragged back into the alley and thrown against a wall. Dae-song crouched in front of her and pulled her head up by her head. "You owe me 500 million won girlie," he sneered. "And I know you owe more to others."

He slammed her head back against the wall, causing Jisoo to grind her teeth in pain. "A month," she pleaded. "Give me a month and I'll have your money."

Dae-song laughed and pulled a gun out of his pocket. He pressed it against her head and cocked the gun. "Give me every reason I should believe you."

"I swear on my father!" Jisoo begged, regretting the words that came out of her mouth as soon as she assess said them. She never wanted to drag her father into her dealings.

"One month."

And with that Dae-sung left and Jisoo let out a sigh of relief. She slowly dragged herself up the wall and limped out of the alley.

"Jisoo-ah!" Seok-min called out grabbing her arm and putting it around his shoulder helping her walk. "I got your groceries for you." Seok-min held up his other hand and showed her the bag.

"I'll pay you back," Jisoo murmured and Seok-min shook his head.

"I know you can't, Jisoo-ah."

Jisoo lowered her head in shame. "Then I'm not taking them."

Seok-min sighed and helped Jisoo back to her house. When they made it back, Seok-min helped her sit down on the couch and she laid down. Seok-min went to the kitchen to greet Jisoo's father. "Here's your things Seong-min hyung," Seok-min said setting down the groceries. "Jisoo-ah made me carry them."

Jisoo didn't deserve Seok-min, and she flipped off the couch. After hearing the loud thud, her father came out and his eyes narrowed at the sight in front of him. Her father knew that she got into fights a lot, but not what for. "What was it for this time?" He sighed.

"Nothing appa," Jisoo groaned. "Just a misunderstanding."

She knew her father didn't believe her one bit, but as long as he never knew about her debt, all was good for her. Jisoo put her hands up showing whatever. "I know, I'm worthless and just mooching off your money whatever," and with that Jisoo pushed herself off the floor and headed to the front door.

"I'll be back later," and with that Jisoo left once more. She knew her father wasn't proud of who she was. She wasn't a doctor, or lawyer, or a successful businesswoman. Her father had wanted a son after all, but got stuck with her. Jisoo headed to a nearby shelter, where a girl she has taken interest in was often at with her younger brother. She walked through the alleys once more and kept her head down.

Just as she had thought the girl was as sitting by her younger brother. She watched her from afar and smiled. The girl was quite pretty and she wished to know her better.

"You know, I could press charges for stalking." A familiar voice said from behind Jisoo.

"Jun-ho oppa, you know it's not like that," Jisoo whined. "I just want a friend that's a girl."

Jun-ho let out a laugh and bumped shoulders with Jisoo. She let out a hiss of pain at the contact and hit him hard in the shoulder. "That hurt babo."

It was just then Jun-ho realized how beat up Jisoo was. He took her face in his hands and examined it closely. "What happened now?"

"Lee Dae-song, that's what happened."

Jun-ho let go of her face and sighed. "I wish you hadn't gotten caught up with him."

"You know why I did it," Jisoo pushed Jun-ho away. "My father wished I hadn't been born, it's all I could do for him."

Jisoo's stomach growled and Jun-ho laughed. "I'll buy you dinner, come on."

"Aren't you on duty?" Jisoo asked, not wanting Jun-ho to get into trouble. "Or looking for your brother?"

Jun-ho was a cop, and a good one at that. He had been looking for his brother since he had disappeared. She didn't want to get in his way for looking for him, and knew if he was on duty he shouldn't leave to buy her dinner.

"It's fine Jisoo-ah," Jun-ho said and took her by the arm. "How's fried chicken sound?"


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