on the highest deck of a ferry boat, gliding across a sea

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They leaned against the railing of the beautiful ship, their shoulders touching.

There were other people around, but as always, they were lost in their own world, as blissful as could be.

They looked down at the foamy water below. It rushed gently away from the sides of the ferry, then slowly disappeared into the rest of the green-blue sea.

They both wore hoodies; the wind blowing around their bodies was chilly.

Seagulls skimmed across the water, some single, some in small groups. And then-

"Look!" She gasped, pointing to a gray shape leaping out of the water.

"Beautiful," she smiled as the dolphin disappeared back into the depths. Another dark fin was visible beside it, before it also was gone.

There weren't any others. There were only two dolphins that had been there.

She wrapped her arm around her lover's shoulder. "Are you warm enough?"

She nodded. "I don't think I could ever be cold when I'm next to you."

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you more."

"Ew, let's not be that couple."

She laughed. "Yeah, let's not." The soft sound of the waves. "But I do love you so much."

She sighed in content.

They stood there, basking in each other's sweet, sweet presence for a long time. Until the sun set pink and orange on the water, and the ship landed at the next place full of new adventures. There were just so many to experience; enough to last a lifetime.

I saw that a few people have been reading this book, and I'm really excited about it! Thank you so much! <3 I wanted to say that if any of you have requests for these two beautiful lovers I'm writing about, you can put them in the comments, and I will write all about it.

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