Mi Ka talks "hey Ri on!" I talk "hi Mi ka.Wanna go play?" she talks "sure!" Oscar talks "can I come?! Ri on dad told me to tell you need to let me play with you!" I talk "fine" *we go to the water hole* Mi Ka talks "wow!" I talk "I know right?!" Oscar talks "hey Mi Ka can we talk alone?" Mi Ka talks "sure?" *They go to a Big rock* Mi Ka talks "what do you want Oscar?" Oscar talks "I.. like.." *I spy on them* Oscar talks "I like you as a cr not friend" *I jumps out of the Bush* I talk "WHAT!!" *Oscar backs up*
Mi Ka talks "uhh.." *I growl at Oscar* I talk "THATS IT IM OUT OF HERE HAVE FUN OF OSCAR!" Mi Ka talks "OK I WILL BYE IDIOT!let's go Oscar" *years have passed and no one has seen me* *As I walked in the pride lands and I saw a adult female. I walked up to her she looked familiar* I talk "Mi Ka?!" *She turns around* "Ri on?!" *I run to her and she runs to me* *Oscar comes* "hello brother" I talk "Hi Oscar" Oscar talks "I didn't think you would come back." I talk "will I did I'm here to take back my place the thrown!" Oscar talks "Is that a Challenge?!" I talk "yeah!" *scars his eye* He kicks me* Mi Ka talks "guys stop!" Oscar talks " choose your king Mi Ka!" mi Ka talks "Ri on remember when I said all those things about you.." I talk "ya" she talks "will I take it back" I talk "me to I'm sorry.." *I nuzzle her and she nuzzles me* * Two months later* *the sun comes up* *Ri fi Ki holds up the future queen of the tree of life named rose* (Part three later)