The Curse of the Ghosts

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Bianca P.O.V

It's really him.....Percy. The boy-no, the man I fell for. His messy raven black hair the touches the middle of his neck. His sea green eyes that reflect the sea in them. His mildly tanned skin. He's grown.....but so have I. But he looks way to say it is he looks hot.

"Good to see you man....we all were worried about you when you just vanished." Luke said to him.

"I got called up to serve my country." He said as the Ghosts as they are called nodded.

Then he looked at me.....and walked over.

"....Hey B, good to see you again." He said rubbing the back the back of his neck.

" too. I see you grew your hair out a bit." I said softly blushing.

"Oh...yeah. Been meaning to cut it a bit. Don't like the long look." He said.

"Well maybe I can cut it for you. I've been learning how to do hair from Piper." I said.

He flashed his signature grin that melts my heart.

"Thanks B. I'd like that." He said.

Just then one of the Ghosts wrapped Percy in a headlock.

"Big man Perce. I see you there." Said the one named Midas.

I watched and laughed with everyone as Percy and him had a mock fight.

"Come on Midas! Whoop him!" Said the Ghosts.

"You got this Spade. Show him the Specter might!" Said the Specters.

"Don't dance around! Hit him!" Ghost said.

"Go Percy! Kick his ass!" I shouted.

After about 20 minutes everyone was relaxed around the fire while Percy was with me in the Poseidon Cabin as I was cutting his hair for him. He wanted his old look back.

"So....what is the military like?" I asked.

"....rough. Did things that.....that I wish I could take back." He said as I cut some of his hair.

"Like what....if I can ask?" I asked.

"You really wanna know?" He asked me.

"Yeah.....I do." I said hesitantly.

"....I've killed people. Killed world leaders abd put new ones in their place. Turned bustling cities into ghost towns overnight.....and much more." He said as I listened.

"" I said kinda shocked.

He then stopped my hand as it was cutting his hair.

"I'm not the same Percy that you guys all knew. I've changed." He said looking at me in the mirror.

" have we. We all change Percy. It's just how our nature is. What matters is we hold onto what we started as. Who we are inside. Your a son of Poseidon, and I'm a daughter of Hades." I said to him as I finished cutting his hair...back to his old look.

"You always knew what to say B. Hard to believe that almost a decade ago you and Nico hardly knew y'all were look at you. You've grown into a strong and beautiful woman." He said standing up.

"And you've gone from a goofball demigod boy to a rugged military man...and can I say look real good in that uniform." I said.

"Thanks B...and you look nice as well. Love the hair style....silver highlights suit you." He said and he hugged me.

I hugged back and held him as I softly breathed in his scent. The scent of the sea. Just then we both pulled back and looked at each other.

"Bianca...." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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