the night at the bar

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(AN: The whole fanfic will be in 3rd person!)

Vampire cookie stumbled into the empty bar, obviously already tipsy. Sparkling was shining a champagne glass and looked up at his disoriented regular. "drinking alone is not for me~" Vampire whined in his signature seductive type voice. "your regular?" Sparkling said as he chuckled and subtly rolled his eyes, reaching behind him to the wooden handle to the wine fridge. "of course dear, I will never abandon my good old fashioned glass of.. grape juice." Vampire said as he giggled like a little girl and pushed his almost empty wine glass towards sparkling's side of the bar. Sparkling turned around, wine bottle in one hand, the opener in his other. Sparkling, after opening the bottle and pouring the tipsy redhead a glass of the deep red alcohol left from his normal placement behind the bar and left to the front door.

"what are you doing Sparkling? what time is it?" vampire said as he took a sip of his drink and looked for a clock among the other decorations on the dimly lit wood walls of sparkling's bar. "you trampled in here five minutes before closing, Vampire." sparkling said as he turned around. vampire noticed something.. he locked the door, and had turned the small off-white sign to read "come in, were open!", meaning that sparkling had closed up the bar. sparkling chuckled as he walked back to his set spot behind the stained wood bar. vampire was tracing his long slender finger around the rim of his glass, and then looking up at sparkling. "sparkling, what are you doing?" "I'm off of work, remember?" vampire looked down at the blonde bartender's hands, which were now holding a bottle of whiskey. "I guess you're right, hun~" vampire said and enjoyed watching sparkling tense up and then nervously laugh as he poured his drink.

there was a long pause, before vampire pushed aside his drink and got up from his seat. "where you going?" sparkling said, not really paying much mind to where the taller man was wandering off to. "no where" vampire said as he slipped behind the bar behind the yellow haired bartender. sparkling felt a chilled hand hit his waist, and he threw himself around to meet the lower neck of the tall slender man that had just grabbed him. vampire pushed aside sparkling's drink by wrapping his arm around sparkling's shoulder and pushing it safely aside.

after the drink was in a far enough spit from where the two were, sparkling had started putting two and two together. his regular was.. trying to seduce him.. and he wasn't against it in the slightest. sparkling wrapped his arms around vampires neck, and almost simultaneously, vampire bent down and used his one arm to pull sparkling's waist into his. "vammmhf-" was all sparkling could get out before his lips met vampires. vampire softly bit sparkling's lower lip, asking for entry, which was eagerly accepted as sparkling entered vampire's wine-tainted mouth. the mix of wine and whiskey was sickeningly strong, but neither cared. the two pulled away for breath and for about 10 seconds, the only sounds you could hear were heaving breathing from the two, but then vampire started hearing something.. it sounded like a soft, stifled moan.

vampire looked down at sparkling's slightly smaller frame and realized, sparkling was, REALLY enjoying this. vampire decided to make sparkling wait a little bit longer for what the knew he was longing for. vampire leaned back in and was mere centimeters away from sparkling's blushed face. he traced his cold fingers down sparkling's chest and stopped right above his belt, earning him a whimper from the blushing man below him. vampire slowly lowering down to sparkling's hips, then stopping, and pulling sparkling down with him. they were now both on the floor, behind the bar, completely concealed from the windows near the front door. vampire was unbuttoning the smaller males shirt unbearably slow, just to see sparkling squirm and whimper every time he stopped to tease him.

after finally getting to the last button, he stopped and leaned into the others face, enveloping the blonde male into another passionate kiss as he finished unbuttoning sparkling's shirt and then moved onto his own. after both shirts were off, vampire reached into his cape which was now in a messy pile of clothes on the floor, and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. he looked to sparkling who had a pure look of lust on his face, and swung the handcuffs on his pointer finger, and sparkling got the message.

as confused as sparkling was as to why vampire carried handcuffs around, he was totally into where this was going. he nodded his head, as vampire crawled back on top of him and cuffed his hands around a bar that was conveniently placed above the male's head. vampire started laying sloppy kisses and hickeys up and down sparkling's chest, each one making sparkling squirm a little and squeeze his legs together tighter. vampire finally got back down to sparkling's belt, and quickly unbuckled it, as if growing impatient himself. he slipped off sparkling's pants and watched as sparkling's hard member was out in the open. vampire licked his lips as he took off his own pants. vampire grabbed sparkling's member, causing sparkling to let out a moan full of pure pleasure.

vampire looked down at his hand and spat in it. he rubbed the saliva on sparkling's tight hole. sparkling squirmed as vampire hoisted the smaller male's legs on his own shoulders. vampire slowly readjusted himself and took a shaky breath before slowly entering sparkling. sparkling whined as he felt the taller male inside of him. vampire felt sparkling envelope him slowly, and couldn't help himself anymore. vampire started slow, pumping in and out of the handcuffed man, occasionally letting out small moans "mmf, your so tight dear~" and "you're doing so well baby~" getting faster and faster with every thrust. as sparkling got close to finishing, vampire noticed and pulled out.

he went back to kissing sparkling's small frame all over. sparkling whined angrily and tried to finish by rubbing his thighs together, but vampire leaned in after ripping his legs apart and whispered into sparkling's ear "you finish when I want you to, slut." earning him a lustful but obedient look from the handcuffed sub below him.  sparkling was surprised by vampires sudden change in tone, but fuck was he into it.

after a few more minutes of kisses and a mix of praising and degrading from vampire, he decided he was going to let sparkling get what he wanted. he quickly thrust back into sparkling, somehow knowing exactly where is prostate was, repeatedly hitting hit and leaning down to lay down more hickeys on sparkling's neck.

sparkling loudly finished, which seemed to just make vampire go faster. sparkling was overstimulated and practically panting, causing vampire to slow down and check in the smaller framed male before him. sparkling gave him a stifled nod and said "keep going" in a whiny voice. vampire leaned in, his nose tickling sparkling's ear with every pant he took, and he slipped his hands up to the handcuffs that he had previously slipped on sparkling.

as soon as they came off, sparkling threw his arms up and around vampire, digging his shaky fingers into vampire's back. vampire whined and pushed farther into the blonde bartender, causing sparkling to push his head into vampire's shoulder, stifling his breath. vampire slowed down as he finished, suddenly feeling a wave of exhaustion washing over him. he decided to lay down next to sparkling, and slowly closed his eyes. he opened his eyes next morning to a startled sparkling, rapidly getting dressed above him, "shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" the bartender yelled, looking at the clock.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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