Just Us And My Guitar

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Yuta x Mark

Mark's pov

Birds sang as the sun rose. I groaned, stretching out my arms and legs. Sliding my blanket off of me as I felt the sun on my skin. I opened my eyes, seeing everyone else was gone. I smiled, jumping up as fast as I could. Grabbing a pair of clothes to change into and putting my wooden guitar on my bed.

I quickly changed, throwing my pj's into the dirty laundry bin. I made my way to my bed, picking up my guitar and taking a small notebook out from under my bed. This notebook meant a lot to me. Considering I write my deepest feelings in them. Well..as music. One specific song I had been working on, was about my feelings for a male named Nakamoto Yuta.

Only me and my friend Haechan knew about my feelings towards him. He was also the only other person that knows I write music and play the guitar. Everyone else just thinks I'm still learning. Right now I assume Haechan is out with the other students. We're currently on a field trip to a summer camp location. Basically just the school trying to persuade us to go after school was out.

I started flipping through the pages of my notebook, looking for the song that I'm writing about Yuta. I started playing the notes on the guitar, softly humming to the lyrics I had written down. "My hearts.-" i heard the doorknob to my cabin start to twist. I immediately hid my notebook as I heard people entering.

"Mark!" I heard someone say, walking further into my cabin. "Who is it?" I asked, getting up and walking out into the small living room. "Ah there you are!" The voice said again. "Haechan?" I replied, looking around and finally spotting him on the couch.

"Hey.~" Haechan replied, smiling and waving at me. As I was about to speak, I saw another person exit the bathroom. It was Yuta. My eyes widened and I turned my attention back to Haechan. Who was trying to hold back his laughter. Yuta ran his fingers through his hair, causing a light crimson tint to cover my cheeks and ears. "Oh! Hi Mark!" He exclaimed, walking over to me. His arms wide open, requesting a hug.

I hesitantly opened my arms, walking into Yuta's embrace. After a few seconds, I pulled away. Not wanting him to feel or hear my heart beat as fast as it was. "H-hi Yuta..!" I replied, seeing Haechan silently laughing at me. I shot him a quick glare, mentally cursing at him while I faked a smile.

"What brings you here?" I asked, stuffing my hands into the pocket of my hoodie. "Haechan invited me!" He replied, patting him on the head. "Of course he did..." I muttered, hoping he wouldn't hear. "What was that?" He asked, Haechan giggling at me. "Oh, nothing!" I replied nervously.

Haechan stood up, dramatically stretching as he walked over to me. He stretched his arms upward while he stood in front of me. Falling slightly forward and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "What we're you doing my bestie?" I rolled my eyes, patting Haechan on the back before removing his arms from my shoulders. "Nothing. What about you two?" I asked, Yuta excitedly clapped, pulling out his phone. Showing me a picture of a fire pit I'm assuming they had cleaned up.

"You guys did that?" I asked, being silently proud of them. "Yep!" Haechan replied, dramatically resting one hand on his hip, and the back of his other hand on his forehead. I scoffed, knowing it wasn't as hard as he made it seem. Yuta laughed at Haechan, copying his movements. I smiled as he did so, not realizing I was staring until Haechan said something.

"Should we head out of here? Lunch will be served soon!" He said walking towards the door. Me and Yuta nodded, putting our shoes on and exiting the small cabin. Once we stepped outside, the warm sunlight surrounded my body, almost like a blanket. I deeply inhaled, smelling the scent of pine and grilled food, which I assume was what was being cooked for lunch.

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