Just Us And My Guitar (2)

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Mark's pov

"Mark! Have you seen the snacks we have for tonight?" Yuta asked, pointing to a table of graham crackers, and other s'more ingredients. I also spotted a small cooler, that had chocolates and packaged hotdogs and burger Patties inside it. "Wow! Who set this up? I can tell it's gonna be a fun night!" I exclaimed, towering over the table of food. "I helped set it up!" Yuta replied. Making the crimson tint return to my cheeks.

"We're all going to play games around the fire tonight too!" Haechan stated, standing next to me and leaning close to my ear. "You should bring your guitar..!" He whispered. I repeatedly shook my head 'no' as he looked at me with big doe eyes. "Please.~" he whined, tugging on my arm as he begged.

"Ugh.. Fine!" I said, wanting Haechan to stop. "Yay! Finally! What song will you sing?" He asked while he looked around. "I don't know. I'll just have to wait until tonight! In the meantime, I'm going to go practice a bit. If anyone asks, I'm taking a nap. Okay?" I stated as I made my way back inside my cabin. "Yes sir!" He replied, keeping Yuta occupied.

I entered my cabin, heading straight to my room to finish writing the lyrics to my song. I sat on my bed, putting my guitar in my lap as I placed the notebook back on front of me.

"I only pray you won't leave me behind.."

"Because good music can be so hard to find.."

"I take your hand and hold it closer to mine.."

"That's it!" I exclaimed as I finally thought of the last lyrics I needed. I smiled to myself as I wrote down the remaining lyrics. After that, I started thinking of what notes to play on the guitar for the lyrics I had just thought of.


A few hours passed, making the time almost 6:00 p.m. I gasped as I had spent all day writing this song. I stood up, quickly looking out my window. Seeing the sun setting and people starting the fire. I took my guitar and put my shoes on, leaving my cabin once again to find Haechan and Yuta.

"Mark! Over here!" Yuta waved at me, smiling brightly as I approached him and Haechan. In some chairs around the fire, had a few of Yuta and Haechan's other friends, Xiaojun, Johnny, Renjun, and Jaemin.

"Let's play a really cringey and cliche game!" Johnny said, pointing to Xiaojun and Renjun. "Which game?" Yuta asked, raising an eyebrow. "Only the best cliche game ever." Johnny replied, patting his thighs to create a dramatic effect before telling us the game. "Truth or dare." Johnny stated, smiling as Jaemin groaned. "I'm in." Yuta and Haechan replied at the same time. "Me too I guess." I said, looking at Renjun and Xiaojun. "Ugh. I guess we are too." Renjun complained.

"Alright." Johnny covered his eyes, pointing at one of us each second. "Tell me when to stop!" He said, still moving his hand to point at the others. "Stop!" Haechan exclaimed, Johnny's finger landing on Xiaojun. "Wow." He stated as he looked for someone to ask. "Jaemin." He said, giving Jaemin an annoying smile. "Truth." Jaemin replied, returning the annoying smile. "You're boring." Xiaojun stated, making Jaemin roll his eyes. "Is it true that you actually think of us as your friend group?" He asked Jaemin, an eyebrow raised as he crossed his arms.

"No. Now, Haechan." Jaemin replied, sticking his tongue out at Xiaojun. "I choose dare!" Haechan said, jumping up and down. "Slap Xiaojun for me please." Jaemin said, laughing as Haechan walked towards Xiaojun. "Yah! Hey!-" Haechan quickly slapped his arm, returning to his seat afterwards. "Ow! You brat!" He yelled, earning another annoyed look from Jaemin.

"Mark." Haechan said, looking at me with his doe eyes. "D-dare I guess.." I replied, laughing as everyone shouted 'finally'. "I dare you to sing your new song." Haechan said smirking. "And you have to tell us who it's about afterwards!" I looked at Haechan, a light crimson tint covering my cheeks again. "Haechan I hate you!" I said as I looked at the ground.

"I don't want to." I said as I tightened my grip on the guitar. "Please?~" Haechan replied. "He should play it, right guys?" Haechan added, looking at everyone. "Yeah!" Yuta replied, everyone else nodding. I groaned as I slowly started playing.

"I only pray you'll never leave me behind.."

"Because good music can be so hard to find.."

I looked up at everyone, seeing Yuta in the corner of my eyes. He stared at me, closely listening to me as I continued.

"Thought love was dead but now you're changing my mind.."

I heard Haechan squealing as I was getting to the chorus. Haechan poked Yuta a few times and pointed at me. Making a heart with his hands and immediately giggling afterwards.

"My hearts a stereo.."

"It beats for you so listen close.."

"Here my thoughts in every note.."

I finished the song, putting the guitar to the side as I took multiple deep breaths my hands slightly shaking. "Wow Mark! You must be in love.~" Haechan teased. "Oh shut up.." I replied, finally looking at Yuta, who was visibly blushing. "Now, Markie.. who was the song about?" Haechan said, pointing to Yuta dramatically in every way he could think of.

"It's about..Yuta.." I replied, throwing a marshmallow at Haechan as I finished my sentence. Yuta looked shocked, as he looked at me. "Really?" He asked, his head tilting to the side slightly. "Yeah.." I replied, as I sat back down.

No pov

"That's how you confessed?" Mark's family asked him and Yuta. "Yes it is.." Mark replied, laughing as they didn't believe him. Yuta wrapped his arm around Mark's waist. Pulling him closer as he continued to laugh.

"It was Just Us And My Guitar."

Just Us And My Guitar

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