Chapter Four

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Third POV

Stefan had hesitantly left Damon behind to head to the school. His brother still hadn't been in the best condition but he was thankful to the white haired woman who had talked to him. He wondered what she had to do with the Mikaelsons though. When he reached the school, he was surprised to see that Bonnie had been trying to avoid Elena, he also heard it from the doppelganger herself who went to complain about it.

When Stefan later escaped her (Elena didn't notice the silent treatment she was getting), he found Bonnie and Caroline talking, "Okay, I'm not going to judge I am just curious on why you two are also trying to ignore Elena," he asked.

"Was that why you were giving her the silent treatment?" Caroline asked. The older vampire nodded and then the Bennett witch went on explaining about her visit from Lady Magic. "Well I guess that would make sense, I did find out Emily Bennett died soon after Damon and I turned," Stefan said.

"Now why are you ignoring Elena?" Bonnie asked.

"The Mikaelsons had been at the Grill yesterday and Damon was being unusually quiet and subdued, then Klaus and Rebekah came up and went on about them being thankful the daggers were out because some truths came to light. Then I asked about Rebekah and Elijah trying to kill Klaus and he said something about a deal they made a while ago and while they had done things to each other it was because they were looking out for each other in some way. Klaus was using the daggers so he would know where his siblings are and they would be protected from Mikael/ he killed Rebekah's love interests knowing they were not right for his sister. They also said sometimes it takes an outside person to see what is wrong. I had immediately had that feeling and had compared Elena to Katherine and thought back to when I was a human and how something came about Damon and Dad would beat him because of it." Stefan explained.

"Was it his romantic interests?" Caroline whispered. Stefan looked surprised but nodded. He didn't know Caroline and Damon talked to each other. Although, he didn't know much about his brother lately.

"So Damon had left while I was thinking and this woman had actually been outside with him, it was a woman that was with the Mikaelson's and Damon had his head on his shoulder and he had been crying. Then I knew from the mean comments Elena would tell him, Damon took it personally and it was a mask he put up," Stefan continued.

"How was he when you left?" Caroline asked with worry clear on her face. Bonnie had been wearing the same expression.

"He was as quiet as he was last night, he's just not hiding it anymore," Stefan said, right as the three youngest Mikaelson's came up.

"How's Damon?" Rebekah asked with genuine concern.

"Not any better," Stefan had said.

"That bitch is annoying the fuck outta me," Jeremy said and sat at the table.

"Elena?" every person at the table asked, even the two unknown males.

"Yes," he groaned out, "Now who are these two? I'm assuming they are Mikaelsons," he asked, motioning to the unknown males.

"Well first off we don't use the name of the dick and bitch, it's Morningstar now, and I'm pretty sure you'll up finding out why, but this is Kol and Henrik, and yes they are my brothers," Rebekah said.

"Hi," Kol spoke while Henrik gave Jeremy a rather flirty "Hello gorgeous," which resulted in the hunter in training to blush.

"Can we see Damon after school?" Caroline asked. Stefan nodded and then lunch was over, he was thankful he compelled one of Elena's teachers to give her lunch detention.

After school, Caroline, Bonnie, and Stefan arrived at the Salvatore House and was surprised to see Damon sitting outside talking to Klaus. He even wore a small smile on his face, it grew even bigger when Caroline ran over and wrapped her arms around him. The three talked quietly that even Stefan couldn't hear before Klaus handed them something and left.

"He said he actually didn't care if the doppelganger died since he found out something he could do but he wouldn't say what. Then we were invited to a ball," Caroline said, "So were both of you," she added handing them the invitations. They both looked and were surprised to see the added notes on who had been inviting them.

At the newly named Morningstar Manor, Lucifer, Klaus, Elijah, and Finn were going to go bring somebody out of Hell. Iris was teaching Kol, Rebekah, Henrik, and Freya to restore a body. Lucifer and his three oldest sons entered Hell where demons were waving excitedly to the returning brothers. While Hell would technically be what Freya inherited, the demons loved all the siblings equally as they had their own pros and cons about them. When they reached their destination, Lucifer looked in, "Hello Jenna Sommers."

(A/N: Okay Round 2. This has some repeat suggestions as it had similar scores and a few suggestions I saw and liked. Comment and vote)

Klaus x Damon

Klaus x Caroline

Klaus x Caroline x Damon

Damon x Enzo

Bonnie x Enzo

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