🥀Chapter Sixteen🥀

122 23 6

Vanessa Collins

I entered the store and went to the clothing section. It was Saturday and I decided to go shopping for more work clothes and perhaps a bag. I started looking at the different types of skirts and the materials that they were made of seemed expensive so therefore they will last a long time.

I took up set that was in a clear bag and red the label. It was a royal blue suit consisted of a skirt, a white blouse and also a jacket. It cost thirty - five dollars but to me it was worth it. I took it along with two other skirts including a black one with a split at the back.

I went over to where the blouses were and immediately I saw one that I had to get. It was red but it had rose prints on it. I don't necessarily try on clothes I just look at the sizes and knew what would fit me and what wouldn't.

"Hey", I heard a voice say as Akilah showed up beside me. She was dressed casually as her shiny, black hair laid rest on her shoulders.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while", I replied before taking up another blouse that I thought would go well with a working pants I had at the house.

"I know right? Things have just being really hectic lately. By the way have you found a new job as yet?".

"Yes I have. How about you?", I asked as we both started walking down the aisle looking here and there.

"I have but it's not something I want to do for a long time. I mean babysitting is fun but it can get to you especially when the kids won't listen".

We stopped at the undergarments section. I wasn't sure about buying any lace panties. Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with them and they fit the body well, it's just you give them a few washes and they start to detach and get all stringy. I rather my normal panties so I took up a few of them in different colours.

Her phone started ringing and she went one side to answer it. Maybe I should take her number ; it's been a long time since I talked to anyone on my phone.

"Hey, I'm going to cash and head home, my brother is in his feelings again and I don't want him to do anything that he'll regret".

"Ok, make sure he doesn't", I replied before giving her a hug. She walked away and I continued to look as I went down further to the back of the store.

I stopped in my tracks when surprisingly I saw Devin who was talking to a woman. I thought he left for business and he actually said he wouldn't be back for now. I was confused but then I thought that he came back sooner than expected. Or maybe he didn't leave at all.

I turned and walked away not wanting to disturb them. If he was back he would be at the house later and I will be seeing him. I paid for my items which needed two shopping bags before leaving the store. 

I had nothing left to buy for now so I might as well go home. But I decided against that because I do really need some time out. Tomorrow I'll be home all day and then work monday. Just the thought of going to work gave me mixed feelings. I couldn't stand Mordechai and his cocky behaviour.

I made my way to the park and sat on a bench under a huge blossoming tree. The kids were having the time of their lives as their parents watched with such admiration. I wonder if one day that will be me?.

"Well hello again beautiful".

I turned around immediately from being startled and saw Hans standing there trying to hold back his laughter. I groaned angrily before turning my attention away from him. I sometimes wonder if he was really Devin's brother; they were just so different.

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