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   Saint Cloud was never a particularly exciting town. It was small and secluded, with a few family owned businesses sprinkled throughout. There was a single superstore, built only to keep the nearest one from being an hour and a half into the next town. There was a sizeable park, an old bowling alley, and a small arcade on Main Street. The town had enough to be a nice place to live, even if it didn't have much to offer in excitement or variety. That changed the day we found out about the mansion being built on the outskirts of town.
   I wasn't sure when it started being built, except that it happened over the summer while I had been visiting some relatives. The first time I saw it, I remember being astounded that someone could afford a house bigger then the town hall, followed by curiosity I hadn't felt before. I asked around for days, but nobody knew anything more then the next person. It wasn't until school started that anyone learned anything. And that was when we got to meet Victoria Wilson.
   Victoria Wilson was one of the most impressive people I had ever met. Visually, she was stunning. Standing at 6'2, with shoulder length black hair and an icy intelligence in her eyes, she caught the eyes of every boy in town, as well as most of the girls. She had enthralled every person in the school before she spoke a word. She had this air of confidence that made her feel more like an entity instead of a person.
   I wanted to talk to her, wanted to ask so many questions. And I got my chance that first afternoon.
   It was the end of the day, and I had just closed the door to my locker when I learned of the incredible luck I possessed. The door shut, and on the other side stood the woman herself. She was opening the locker next to me, and we both stopped as we locked eyes.
   She started first. "Hi. What's your name?"
   It was the strangest sense to be talking to her. Like I wasn't allowed to. "Oh, uh, Louis. Louis Rowland."
   She nodded her head, rolling the words around her mouth. "Louis. Loo-e. It sounds nice."
   I gave her a small smile. "Thank you, but Victoria sounds nicer in my opinion."
   She rolled her eyes playfully and closed her locker, propping herself on her arm. "I appreciate that. I have a question though." I turned my head in curiosity. "Are all the boys in town as pretty as you?"
   I felt my face heating up as I leaned my shoulder against my own locker. "Uh, well, I don't know about that. I know the other guys around here are definitely more attractive."
   She raised an eyebrow. "You've been paying attention?"
   I laughed a little at the question, the underlying meaning not lost on me. "I like to keep my eyes open."
   A sly grin spread across her lips. "Really? Anything you've been keeping your eyes on lately?"
   I felt my face warming up again as my smile turned bashful. "Maybe. Maybe you should keep your eyes on a few things as well."
   She looked me up and down with a glance, nodding. "Maybe I should."
   I nodded as well before turning and walking down the hall, hiding my face in my hood as I rounded a corner. I had so many questions, and now I had even more, but a single compliment was enough to send me spiraling. I felt my heart come to a more stable rate as I made it to class, but I knew I wouldn't be able to pay attention.

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