The End Time

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I thought

I would come up with wars, dragons flying,
 A burning hot description  of how people will suffer.

But i know that You and I are already
Handling our own part of hell her on earth due to disobedience

Yes I can rebel sometimes.
But I am talking about love

Love is the end of all things
We will end in love whether we like it or not
Whether our hearts have been shattered, battered and crushed
Here is good news for You and i
Love is the END TIME

At first it might look really ugly like you have seen the mess, but let's look a bit closely

You created a person with great amount of love
Then came the fall
You still came to the rescue
Even when the fallen
Wanted to stay down

Not like every other rescue
Yours was special because
You walked right into the game
And checkmate!!!

That was your demise
Killed by the same one you came to save.

Now tell me
Who wins in the End

You that gave every thing
Or me that took away all the good.....

You rescued all for the good of you
And you still believe in me
So I am still here saying that

This kind of love
Is the endtime

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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