Chapter Two - Home Away From Hell

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Most people wake to the sound of birds or sunlight 'streaming' out of the windows or something cute and romantic like that.

I get a cat peeing on my shirt.

It doesn't necessarily happen everyday , just on the days which are important, birthdays, Christmas. Or in this case first day of school.Cody miraculously disappeared from the area,so sadly I can't make a cat skin hat today.

After the usual bath and dressing up and stuff , I get ready to eat.I make breakfast for me and Aunt Carrie. Aunt Carrie isn't really my aunt, she is my godmother, my slightly deaf, raisin loving godmother. The only decent no cuss way I can put it in is by taking inspiration from good old Roald Dahl.

Me and Carrie are scabs and Anastasia is just itching for the day when she can throw us off. Until then she's stuck with us.

"Good morning Ella love " Aunt Carrie smiled from her rocking chair, her legs perches on top of a worn out ottoman I bought from a garage sale." Breakfast is ready" I said.

I don't like saying good morning, don't know why but it just feels fake and stupid. How do YOU know that it's gonna be a good morning?What if it's a bad day huh? And half the time when someone says 'good morning' they don't mean it.

I am so bitter. Deal with it.

"First day of the last year,how do you feel?" She whispered sipping her tea. "Why do adults think that students are excited about their last year at high school" I mused. "Well maybe because most teenagers are?"." You should know that I'm not like most teenagers" I grinned. "Sadly"she sighed.

A car beeps from downstairs. "Mason?" she asks. I nod. "Go on now lover girl ".I give her my most weirded out expression ever."What a 55 year old can be cool too, especially when she is right".I stick my tongue out at her at jump out the window, running down the fire escape.

Me and Carrie stay in the attic, which with the help of my friend Denise , has been renovated to look like a snazzy apartment. Only problem is we have to leave or enter through the fire escape where birds usually do their business on. Its better than seeing Anastasia without make up early in the morning.

I shudder at the thought.

Mason's bright red Chevy is parked right under the big oak, where it always is. As usual I throw it open and flop on in. "Hey take it easy these seats are new"He scolds. "Don't worry pretty boy I had my period last week, your white seats ain't getting spoiled today"I grinned. "Your weird." "You know you love me" I tease. He rolls his eyes.

Quick description of Mason - Sandy blonde curly hair, blue eyes , impressive jaw line and sun kissed skin. Basically you average California surfer who sadly ended up in ClearWood . He is also the only person in the whole wide world other than Carrie who can tolerate my moodiness. Even Denise gets fed up sometimes."So Deni told me you applied for Gouldlings ". I rolled my eyes. Gouldings is our towns best college for literature."And I heard that they spotted a unicorn in the woods" I replied sarcastically. "You know that made no sense"."Do I look like I care?" .

He chuckles."Come on Mase, you know that i'll probably never go to college anyway, I hate school"I place my legs on the dashboard,turning up the radio. "You love school".I shut up for a second. Again something he can only make me do. "Keep your eyes on the road hotshot we'e here "I mumble.

As he parked into the driveway (quite sloppily if I might add) , I jumped out. This is why I usually argue with Mason.He always wins.Its 20% annoying and 80% fun. Also a bit cute."You know you want to go" he smiles,jogging up to me."No I don't "I say pushing the doors of hell. Demons,Devils and saints pushed each other,talked a lot and swore more than trucker.

"Why?"He asks."A) I am not good enough

B) I don't have enough money

C) I wouldn't be able to annoy you and Denise"

I punch my locker hard,the door magically opened. Usually it take at least 5 punches."OK first of all you are the most talented writer,whether it's stories or lyrics. And we wouldn't exactly be a million miles away. Deni, is applying there for art and I am a half an hour drive away at GreenWard. And as for the money well...."

"Exactly, face it Mason you can be as optimistic as you want but you gotta face it,reality sucks"I sigh grabbing my books."You are very grouchy you know that?"He pouts.I laugh and pinch his cheek."Yes,yes I am".

"Please tell me your forgot!!!".

I blink.Denise stands in front of me ,her curly brown hair even messier than mine,glasses nearly falling of her nose."Forget what?"."THE TEST THE FREAKING GEOGRAPHY TEST!!!"She screams so that half the school is staring at us. "Mind you own business"I snap and suddenly everyone is looking away."It's incredible how you can do that" Mason mused. 

"Thank you and no I did'nt ,and I give you full permission to look at my answers"I smile.She gives me the tightest hug I have ever received,"Deni.."I groan."I know I know you hate hugging but tank you!!" She literally looks insane from all the jumping and stressing."You did'nt sleep last night did you?"I ask."Nope"She mumbled.

"Art project again??" I sighed.She nodded.I strutted into class like I always do and write in front of the door, Dorothy is basically sucking the life out of Richard Johnson.Typical, the one guy in this whole school who I think is attractive she ends up fucking.

Curse you darn fate.

Further the fact that I sit write next to him is also a bit annoying. He flops down next to me ,hair all ruffled and shirt all wrikled, like he just got out of bed,still looking like he is a fucking midel or something. 

"Hey Ella"He grins.I just stare at my paper and nod. 

School may be better than home,but at times it can be just as annoying as it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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