Childhood Secret

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"K-Kacchan...!" Izuku cried, all but collapsing in the blond's arms on the playground. "I-I can't take it anymore...!  Please, please make it stop!"

Bakugo wrapped his arms around his friend, careful of his injured shoulder, "Don't worry, Izuku. I'll protect you, I promise. I'll make it all better."

Red eyes opened, staring at a bedroom ceiling. Bakugo sat up quickly, shoving the covers off of himself as he inhaled sharply. It had been so long since he had that dream last... But it always came when he needed it the most. 

Grabbing his phone from his dresser he began to relay all the plans for the day to a blocked number. He had been rethinking his recent choices after one of his classmates had gotten hurt; he wouldn't call them friends, but the boy was strangely attached to him and he felt somewhat responsible for him. But now, remembering why he was in UA, he couldn't let something as superficial as an injured classmate stop him from protecting Izuku.

Staring at the message one second longer, he hit the send button. He really had gotten lucky in his second year, the teachers got in trouble with so many surprise quizzes and trials and now had to send emails to the students with detailed plans for the day. Mr. Aizawa really hated it, more effort he had to put out. Honestly, if he didn't want to put work into something, teaching and being a Pro Hero really wasn't a good job idea. Bakugo couldn't help but hate his laziness... He was just the same as the others... Would he have laughed at them too? Or would he simply just walk past-

A knock sounded at his door, pulling Bakugo from his thoughts. A quick glance at his clock told him it was almost five in the morning, which wouldn't make sense if he was getting a visitor. Had he misheard? 

Another knock told him that someone was definitely there. Getting out of bed and pulling a shirt over his head, he went to crack his door open. His eyes widened at the head of messy green hair on the other side.

"Izuku?" He opened the door wider, "What are you doing up so early?"

"I knew you'd be up soon to go jogging." The boy smiled, ducking under Bakugo's arm and going into his room. "I made a new item in class yesterday but it was really late when I finished it so I couldn't bring it to you then. Think you could try it out for me today?"

Bakugo watched as Izuku lifted a headband, smiling innocently. Red eyes narrowed at him.

"What does it do, nerd?"

"Aw, don't you trust me, Kacchan?"

"Not after last time."

Izuku chuckled as he looked down at his item, "It tricks the brain into thinking the terrain is something different that what it is. You can pick the settings for what you want, like up or downhill, sand, grass, cement, things like that. It's perfect for runners that are in a limited terrain area."

"Does it actually build the muscles from those areas," Bakugo took the band, looking at it closely, "or is it just going to make everything harder for nothing?" 

"That's what you're going to find out for me." That large smile was back, followed by a chuckle. "I'd try it out myself, but... I don't think I could do it."

Bakugo's eyes flashed to Izuku's right leg before letting out a sigh. "Fine, I'll test it for you. But it better work, you damn nerd."

"Thank you!" He started towards the door, "I'll see you at lunch and you can tell me everything about it then!"

Bakugo rolled his eyes as he readied himself for the day. To his surprise, Deku's invention worked very well, turning the sidewalk into a sandy path. His calves had a burning ache to them that was identical to the real thing, and if he had to guess, it really did build that muscle as well.

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