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1. Be detailed!
You have to be at least a paragraph or more, so in other words. Semi-lit to lot to roleplay. Sorry I just don't do one liners.

2. Be my crush and I'll be yours
I don't have to really explain this do I? Just use common since(sorry that sounded rude). Also make sure you have a backup crush cause sorry to say this but I claimed Haruka Hashida and I'm not planing on changing it.

3. Cussing/Smut is ok.
Just please take Smut in pm and cussing is ok just try not to do it to much where Wattpad will take my book down.

4. LGBT is totally allowed!
I'm a big supporter for this since I have friend irl who are the same way. So of core it's allowed here!

5. Drama Free please
Please don't fight over who should change there crush or they did something wrong. This is a judge free zone. If you have a problem with that then leave. Also no jumping into other people's roleplay. This isn't a Group Roleplay. Only individual.

6. No MarySue/ OP ocs
Not everyone is perfect ok? Everyone will have sad stories and some haves some flaws to it. I know we do have strong characters and all but they aren't op.

7. Password
This is where you hit the end! Password is how far are you in the Scarlet/Violet game?

8. Say "May I"
Choose an place to roleplay and ask "May I" before we start the roleplay, to me it's just rude to start the roleplay without asking and making sure if I'm ready for it.

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