My previous life

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This starts of with "The Flash" and goes on.
Hope you enjoy!☺️

Hailey POV:
Hi my name is Hailey.My " previous life" was rough until a miracle happens.

I was crying on the couch in my house I was only 10 years old. I was really tall tho.then a big round blue circle appeard in front of me and a man came out. I didn't shout since he didn't have a weapon or anything dangerous.
I could not believe who I saw it was Harrison wells. Yes! The Harrison wells from Earth 2 from the " The Flash"I could not believe my eyes.
My eyes were wide open and I asked
"Uh.... Are you Harrison wells?"
"Oh.. so you know me?" Said Harry.
"Yes! Of course I do! well.... how could I not?" I said in my cracky crying voice.
"Well.. then take this."
When I saw what he wanted to give my mouth opened wide. My tears were halfly dry and I wiped them away with my hands. It was a a device to open a breach.( I forgot the name.)
"Why are you giving this to me?" I questioned."You think you dis-wanted  right?" Said Harry. "Uhm.... Yes." I said confidentially."Well If you use this device it will open a breach and if you go through that breach....Your whole life will change. You will be someone new. Someone powerful than anyone."
Said Harry. I was speechless." Choose. It's your choice whenever you want to come.Oh and one more thing were I came from it is called "universe 2"
This is "universe 1". There are many more you will learn if you choose."
Harry finished."A-Are you sure I should do this?" I questioned." Well...
If I were you I would right away after thinking a lot." Answers Harry.
"Well,I got to go." Said Harry."Huh!?"
I snapped."Yes I am running late." I was shocked."Wait- so your going to leave me here?" I questioned."Yes this is your choice Hailey,now goodbye."
As I was about to say wait he opens a breach and goes in to it,leaves me.
I was mixed with emotions.Sholud I go? Or not? Ugh! I kept thinking.but at the end I made a decision.I will go.
When I made my mind I kept notes on the kitchen counter about me leaving and having a new life.

Dear Parents,
I am going to leave you all. To have a new life.I am sorry that I was not good enough,don't tell the cops they will never find me, I am sure.Maybe one day I will come back.

That's all I wrote I also remember Harry saying that the timeline I will be in is going to be season 3 of "The Flash". There at the moment I pressed the device and there, I opened a breach.i was thinking really fast that time but, the next thing I knew I went throw the breach.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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