Strangers to Friends - i

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Half of the universe's population was wiped out of existence when Thanos snapped his fingers. Miraculously, you survived the blip, but those five years of solitude had left their mark. Seeking to experience life to the fullest, you embarked on a journey across the country, relishing every moment. Before the chaos, you were accustomed to being alone, never truly depending on anyone. However, when the Avengers defeated Thanos and brought everyone back, a sense of unrest washed over you.

As life returned to normal, so did your own. You found your way back to New York, where you pursued your passion for photography, landing a job as a photographer and securing a decent place to live. But soon, the routine became monotonous, and an insatiable thirst for adventure gripped your soul, even if it was just for the summer.

Now, you stood in your room, packing your bags eagerly, ready to embark on a long-awaited vacation to Budapest. The desire to visit this enchanting city had been brewing within you for years, even before the world had ever heard of Thanos. Admittedly, the prospect of backpacking across a foreign country alone was a tad terrifying. However, the yearning for thrill and adventure propelled you forward, drowning out any doubts.


Natasha Romanoff felt a wave of relief wash over her. None of her family had fallen victim to Thanos' devastating attack. Alongside Clint, she had managed to obtain the soul stone without engaging in a futile fight to determine who would make the ultimate sacrifice. Instead, they had chosen a different path, hurling the Red Skull off the cliff. Oddly enough it worked and they secured the stone. With Carol wielding the power of the stones, she had executed the snap, saving Tony's life and vanquishing Thanos and his army without suffering any injuries herself.

Now, Tony, Clint, and Steve attempted to persuade Natasha to take a well-deserved vacation. They argued that with everyone restored, it was finally time for some much-needed rest. Initially resistant due to the lingering troubles of the world, Natasha eventually succumbed to Steve's persistent coaxing. She made the decision to return to Budapest, a place that held a special place in her heart—a visit to her other family.


As you stepped onto the streets of Budapest, camera in hand, you couldn't contain your excitement. The stunning architecture enveloped you, and the realization that you had finally arrived in this city overwhelmed you with joy. Determined to make the most of your experience, you decided to immerse yourself fully in the role of the curious tourist.

Through Rick Mason, you had secured a rental house at the heart of Budapest. Although the pictures in his advertisements didn't do the place justice, the reasonable price convinced you to take the plunge. After gathering all the necessary information from Rick, you made your way to the address of the resthouse.

Exhausted from your journey, you fumbled with the keys, finally entering your temporary abode. Eager to settle in, you dropped your belongings on the floor, sparing your camera, and embarked on a search for the bedroom. However, the sight that greeted you dampened your spirits. Scratch marks marred the walls, accompanied by bullet holes, revealing a troubled past.

"Jesus, who suffered here?" you whispered to yourself, unable to comprehend the violence that had taken place within those walls.

Finally locating the bedroom, you couldn't help but feel disappointed at its state. "No wonder this place was so cheap," you muttered under your breath. Despite the minimalistic furnishing—a mere mattress on the floor and a few clean sheets on the desk—you convinced yourself that it was still preferable to living on the streets of Budapest.

Lost in your thoughts, a noise interrupted your solitude, causing your heart to race. Fear crept in as you debated whether to investigate or hide. The sound of footsteps grew nearer, and with nothing but your fists to defend yourself, you mustered the courage to confront the intruder.

"Who's out there?" you called out, your voice trembling with terror. The intruder's footsteps only grew clearer, approaching the room where you stood.

"I'm not afraid of you!" you asserted, trying to sound braver than you felt.

The response came in the form of a woman's voice from beyond the room. It carried a dangerous edge, sending shivers down your spine. Yet, inexplicably, you found yourself drawn to it.

"I'm not afraid to hurt you," you declared, your tone growing more aggressive.

"I'll be the judge of that," the voice retorted, announcing its presence with authority.

Before you could react, you came face to face with the most mesmerizing green eyes you had ever beheld. A gasp escaped your lips as you realized the truth.

"You're the Black Widow."


Summer's Love (Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now