~Night Terrors~

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*Poppy was twisting and turning in her bed having a nightmare but it wasn't like any other nightmare she was kicking her feet as if something was there...chasing her and then she let out a scream in her sleep and tears streamed down her face, staining both her cheeks and her pillow*

*In poppy's night terror*

*Poppy was running from a large creature with black hair and black horns, razor sharp fangs, pure white eyes that dripped out blood and it had large demon-like wings and sharp claws, poppy tried to get away from it but she tripped and fell and she looked out seeing that creature and it pounced her and she was being mauled to bits*

*In Reality*

*Poppy jolted awake with a loud scream and she looked at herself trembling and she started crying from what that creature looked like*

*suddenly she heard the door creaking open and she gasped and hid under the covers trembling and crying*

*but then she felt the covers being pulled off that was when she was really beginning to panic she was crying anymore Oh no she was BAWLING HARD, crying her eyes out until...*

???: Poppy?

*She didn't dare open her eyes she was afraid it was that same creature from the nightmare*

*then she felt two hands caressing her cheeks it felt so warm and comforting and safe, she opened her eyes and she saw branch, he must've heard her screaming for when she was both in her nightmare and when she jolted awake because he looked really worried*

Branch: poppy i'm here what's wrong?

*poppy didn't respond, she couldn't...after seeing that horrific creature from her nightmare she just couldn't explain it, her teary eyes twinkled fearfully before she clung onto branch as she began to bawl again*

*Branch's heart cracked as the sound of her frightened cries filled his ears whatever happened in her nightmare must've left her feeling extremely scared, then he wrapped his arms around her and held her close*

Branch: Shh shh shh easy poppy it's okay i got you

*Poppy calmed down a little but she was still frightened, so he gently placed a small kiss on her forehead to calm her down and he cradled her gently in his arms until her bawling turned into nothing more than a few soft whimpers and quiet sniffles*

Branch: Poppy what happened?

Poppy (Sniffling): I- i- i just had a really bad nightmare...there was this monster a- and it was chasing me and i was scared and it got me and i- it killed me *tears start building up*And  I- i- it was so real 

Branch: poppy *Caresses her cheeks while also wiping her tears* it wasn't a nightmare you had a night terror

Poppy: I- i know but it- what if it comes back branch what if it tries to hurt me again?

Branch: Hey it's okay, look how's this i'll stay right here to help you sleep okay?

*poppy smiled softly and leaned her forehead against branch's forehead*

Poppy (softly): okay...

*then poppy laid back down this time with branch cuddling her*

*In poppy's night terror*

*the same monster from her previous night terror had returned and was ready to eat her until branch showed up and stood in front of poppy with spread his arms out to block the monster from poppy*

Poppy: Branch?

Branch: Don't worry poppy, i'll protect you

*then branch lunged towards the creature and began to attack it with hair-jitsu and then he began to start up his hairball-duken*

Branch: Don't make me use this!

*The monster whimpered before it ran away*

*then branch turned to poppy and he walked towards her and got on his knees*

Branch: You okay poppy?

Poppy: Yeah thanks branch...thank you so SO much!

*poppy tackled branch into a hug and she kissed him while he kissed her back*

*In reality*

*poppy was sound asleep cuddled close to branch and this time she didn't have any more night terrors*

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