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The day finally came. Louis has been planning this for weeks and it was going to be perfect, or at least he hoped so.

"What if he forgets?", he asked himself. "What am I thinking of, he never forgets", he continued. He was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't notice what time it was. Harry would be home at any minute! A message from Liam is what brought him back to reality.

-Hope everything goes well, have fun;)

He laughed at his friends text and texted back:

-It will;), thanks for your help mate

-Any time! Is h home yet?

"Why is he asking that" Lou thought.
-Why would he be home so early?

-Louis it's almost 9!



-Fuck you Liam

He quickly double checked everything, got dressed and waited for Harry.

Around 15 minutes later Harry finally came home. He was tired and sad cause he didn't get to spend the whole day with Louis. Despite that he was excited to see his lover and give his the gift he bought for him last weekend, without him knowing. He was worried that Louis may have forgotten their 9 years anniversary. Little did he know...

When Harry entered the house the lights were off and Louis was nowhere to be seen. "Where is he?", he wondered. He attempted to open the lights but a little note stopped him.

Heyy! Idk if anyone is reading this but I really hope someone does, anyway ik its too small I'll try to make the other chapters longer. Also, I'm not familiar with writing ff so idk how will this turn out. The story will probably be around 10 chapters. I really hope you'll like it
All the love,

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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