Tsukishima's Birthday

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A/N: this isn't really a ship, but there's a little TsukiYama. I forgot that it was Tsukishima's birthday until a little late, but I hope you still like it!

Sugawara smiled at the assembled team in front of him. They had optional practice in the mornings, and everyone was there except Tsukishima, which was actually perfect. Most of the time there was at least three people who decided not to come, so he was glad today was just Tsukishima.

"Today is Tsukishima's birthday!" He announced quickly. "I thought I would tell you, just so you guys know, maybe say 'Happy birthday' or something when you see him."

"How did you know?" Yamaguchi asked. "I didn't tell you, and I'm sure he didn't."

Daichi laughed, saying "stalking" in between coughs.

Tanaka and Kageyama both gave Suga an odd look, and Daichi and Suga both rushed to assure them that he had not, in fact, been stalking the first year, constantly interrupting each other. "I only asked his bother!" Suga finally managed to say quickly. 

"It is his actual birthday, right Yamaguchi?" Daichi asked. "Akiteru wasn't lying or anything?"

Yamaguchi snickered a little. "No, today is his birthday. Akiteru definitely wouldn't like about that, I can assure you that much."

"We should do something!" Nishinoya piped up. "Then again, probably whatever we did he wouldn't care." He shrugged. "I don't know."

"Well, Yamaguchi, you know him best." Asahi said. "What do you think?"

Yamaguchi tilted his head to the side. He gave a small shrug. "I don't know. Tsukki has a weird way of expressing himself. I think he would be okay with just a small gesture, like just saying 'happy birthday' to him. He hates being embarrassed, so I don't think he would like you guys to make a big deal over it."

Sugawara sighed. "I just hate that we've done all kinds of cool stuff for everyone else but we don't have the slightest idea of something interesting for Tsukishima."

"Eh." Kageyama shrugged. "What can we do that he would actually enjoy, anyway?"

"Yeah." Suga said quietly. "I guess you're right."


Tsukishima was the last to arrive at practice. He had been held back because his class had found out it was his birthday and all went around goofing over it. Yamaguchi had somehow managed to leave before the chaos ensued, so he was already there. 

He quickly changed out of his uniform and put his volleyball shoes on, stepping into the gym. "Sorry I'm late." He apologized. "I got held up in class."

"Oi, Tsukishima!" Suga called happily from where he and Daichi we're setting up the net. "Happy birthday!"

"Yeah, happy birthday Tsukishima!" Daichi said as well.

Tsukishima gave a small nod of thanks, wondering how they had found out. Perhaps Yamaguchi had told him.

He hadn't really wanted them to know because for everyone else's birthday, they had all done some big flashy things. Tsukishima wasn't really into that, and some of the stuff they did was downright embarrassing. But maybe they didn't have anything like that planned.

Tsukishima started in a few warm-up stretches, and sensed something strange. He looked up, and a moment later, Tanaka, Hinata, and Nishinoya jumped in front of his face, shouting, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TSUKISHIMA!"

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