The eye- a short story

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The eye. The eye. The eye. The eye. Everything was black until I woke up out of breath, I was about to pass out. I quickly steadied myself and jumped out of bed. I started to ransack my own room looking for the eye. Where could it be? I questioned myself, making sure I didn't just misplace it. It couldn't possibly move, could it? No! I stopped myself. I just misplaced it. I continued to search, finding nothing other than wrappers and pens. Ugh, where could it be? Then I looked up and it was placed on a shelf staring back at me. It appeared to be... watching me! Wait, no, no this isn't right. Out of shock and fear, I backed up but I slipped on one of the wrappers, sending me to the floor. I stared up at the eye out of fear. I hadn't put anything on that shelf in weeks, months, maybe even years. But there it was, the eye that I had been looking for, the eye that I trashed my room for, the eye that was on my shelf watching me as I looked for it. The shelf I haven't touched in months. I slowly closed my eyes as I got up and then I looked at the shelf. The eye was definitely there. I backed up getting into my bed. I brought the blanket over my body, then I looked up and started staring at the eye. I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep wishing this moment away. I heard something starting to roll. I got freaked out, trying to force my eyes shut so they wouldn't open. As sweat came rushing down my body. It was 3:00 am and I couldn't handle this. I never believed in the horrors that the time 3:00 am could bring but I feel like I'm getting a taste of it now. It was too early, too early to be awake, too early for this crap to be happening, it was just too early. I'm used to sleeping until 11 or 12 even though it was normally broken. But the eye never did this before. I mean it was always creepy and always seemed to be watching me. But it never did this, it never played games like this. I couldn't breathe again. What is happening!? No matter how much I asked questions I never got my answer. But I was only asking myself and complaining to myself knowing I don't know what's going on. Next thing I know I was falling asleep.

I woke up to Nate blasting music and coming into my room. "Babeee!" I hear him call. I sit up looking at him while I rub my head. I have a headache for some reason. "Why so cheerful this morning?" I ask him while he looks around my room then he starts picking everything up. "Hm, I'm just in a good mood. But why is your room such a mess?" I lay back down hiding my body in my blanket trying to go back to sleep. "I was looking for something," I said and closed my eyes. Nate climbs on top of me and plays with my hair "Wake up!" He says with a powerful joy you can hear in his voice. I twist and turn trying to get him off me "No!" I told him, I was annoyed. I sat up and he started climbing up on me more. He sits on my lap wrapping his arms around my neck and hiding his face in my chest. I looked up at the shelf, it wasn't there. The eye has moved again. I looked at Nate, "The eye did you move it?" I asked him with a worried voice. "The eye? What are you talking about? I didn't touch anything other than your laundry." I stared at the shelf as I listened to him. I didn't care to reply to him, I just stared and stared at that shelf thinking about how and where. I just lay there with Nate on top of me just thinking as music played in the background.

I never introduced myself properly. Well not at all. I'm Allen, yes Nate did call me babe and was on top of me cuddling. He was doing all that because he is my boyfriend. Anyways moving on, I am a 17-year-old Virgo who lives alone. Yes, I said Virgo, deal with it. Uh, I've been going off about this eye and you might be wondering why. Or what it means, what is it, blah blah blah. Well, I never had the best relationship with my father. You might be wondering what this has to do with anything. Just let me finish and maybe you would understand. I always hated my father cause all he wanted was power and would try to use me to get it. That's enough for him moving on the eye, the eye is a small but not that small round glass eye. Surprise! It's an eye! My father gave it to me. I swear it's cursed. Every time I try to get rid of it, it keeps coming back. It freaks me out but no one ever notices for some reason. It is always watching me. I can feel it, I know it's watching me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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