I'm Sorry

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Lucinda's POV

Well Katelyn that's no way to treat an old friend of yours is it. YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND LUCINDA SO STOP SAYING THAT. Now now Katelyn calm down your making a scene. I'm done talking to you you're useless, Aphmau were is Y/N I have the food. She ran off you just missed her actually. Lucinda I said I was done talking to you, Aph were is she. Lucinda's telling the truth she did just run off. What why? Well I will be going now tootles. *Lucinda leaves with her face bright red mumbling about you.


I'm such an idiot I should have stayed there I should have said something but no all I could do was sit and stare at her I probably looked like a tomato . I'll just call a taxi and go home there is no way I can go back there. Huh someone's calling me who is it? 

(In call)

Hello Y/N speaking. Hey Y/N it's Aph Katelyn's back with the food were are you?  Oh hey Aph I'm on my way home I got to embarrassed just tell Katelyn I felt sick and went home. Ok but how are you gonna get home, it's to far to walk.  Don't worry I called a taxi. Oh okay I'm really sorry for embarrassing you but there's something I have to tell you. It's ok and what is it. Um never mind it's best if she tells you. Who tells me?. Um no one forget I said anything! Oh ok see you later. Bye!

Katelyn's POV

So where is Y/N. She felt sick so she's taking a taxi home. I could have drove her home, why didn't she just ask? I don't know. Whatever do we need anything else I want to go home and check on Y/N. I don't need anything else. Kawaii Chan what about you. No Kawaii Chan can come back another day. Ok let's go.

Aphmau's POV

*They drive home. So what do you want to do. Kawaii Chan is just going to make some cupcakes. Yeah I expected that, can you make me some? Mhm, Katelyn San do you want some. No thanks I'm going to go check on Y/N. What why we saw her like 15 minutes ago. Yes but you said she was sick, remember? What oh yeah I remember but you probably shouldn't go over. Huh why not? In case she gets you sick or something. Huh but Y/N Chan isn't si- OW why is everyone standing on Kawaii Chan's tail. Aphmau I'm going to see Y/N whether I get sick or not. No Katelyn, and she is already gone. Well I tried.


Why did I run away I should have stayed there and talked to Lucinda, oh well I guess it's to late now. Who is at the door. I'm coming I'm coming sheesh. Katelyn, why are you here. Aphmau said you were sick so I came to check on you, I brought you food too. Ooh thanks cuz. Huh you don't look sick. What? oh right I'm feeling much better now, come in. I'll just heat this up and we can share it. That's ok I don't want to get sick. Ok more for me I guess. So what you wanna do. I dunno, I'm only gonna stay for a bit. Oh ok wanna watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Sure. 

30 minutes later

You get a text from an unknown number saying "Is this Y/N it's Lucinda"


Hi my loves. I know I said this would make more sense in this chapter but I don't think it did but basically Katelyn is at your house because she thinks your sick but when you get the text you have to try to rush her out of the house. Did i just spoil a bit of the next chapter? Maybe you will just have to keep reading to find out. Anyway have a good day/night and eat food and stay hydrated. Byeee! 

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