Spring Break Gone Wrong

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This spring break was supposed to the best spring break of my life. I was finally in college and I was going to an all-inclusive resort with my best friend. But then my brother heard we were going and had to invite him because he wants to make sure I'm safe he also has a total thing with my friend and it is so gross. My brother wouldn't be that bad coming with but then his obnoxious, annoying, asshole of a best friend had to come with us as well. He couldn't miss a vacation like this. He and my brother were both juniors in college so they got Mary and I fake ids so we could drink. We were so excited. It was Friday afternoon and Mary and I had just gotten to my house to start packing for our trip. We both went to University of Iowa and my brother Daniel and His best friend Luke were going to be home in about a half hour and they both went to University of Illinois. They were both going to be engineers. This meant they were both extremely smart. So Mary and I finished packing in about 30 minutes just in time for the boys to come home and us to go out to dinner. The boys packed while they were at college so they didn't have to do anything tonight but eat. When they walked in the door I tackled my brother in a hug. "Bro I've missed you so much! It sucks that I haven't seen you since January." I say to him. Then I give Luke a dirty look and walk into the kitchen.

"Nicole wait!" Luke says to me. I turn around and smack right into his broad chest. Wow has he been working out he has definitely gotten more muscular.

"What do you want Luke?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything at first and he just pulls me into a big bear hug. Then he whispers in my ear "I missed you Nicole. You and all your snotty comments and crappy attitudes." Then he lets me go and walks away from me. I stand there stunned. Luke was attractive and he knew it. He is tall with chocolate brown hair and piercing green eyes. He was about six foot two and he was so muscular. The girls are going to be all over him at our resort. When that thought crosses my mind a pang of jealousy runs through me. Then I snap out of it and realize that I don't care what he does because he is so annoying, full of himself, and cocky. But he is so hot it's kind of hard not to stare.

That night after we eat dinner Mary and I are sitting in my room talking when she says "I need to go talk to your brother about something. Don't wait up for me." Then she gets up and walks out of my room. I groan. This is going to be a really long trip with the two couples I say to myself.

I put on my pj's and I head into the bathroom and I walk in and Luke is just standing there in his boxers looking like a Greek god standing in my bathroom. "Hi Luke sorry I just have to wash my face. Hope you don't mind." I don't wait for a response and I just start washing my face when I dry my face off I am aware that Luke is standing there staring at me. "What do I look that bad without makeup?" I ask self-consciously

Luke chuckles and replies "No actually the opposite of that Nicole". Then he just walks out of the room without another word.

Now I am no beauty but I have been told that I'm pretty. I have dark brown wavy and my eyes change colors depending on the days. But on most days they are brown. I am about five foot five and I am not really that skinny. I have curves but I could afford to lose a few pounds. I have actually never been one of those girls that always get boyfriends I have had one serious boyfriend and we broke up because he cheated on me. My full name is Nicole Ashley Cascade and I am 19 years old. Which would make me a freshman in college. When I finally head back to my room I find Luke lying on my bed reading a book. "LUKE WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED?!" I scream at him.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm reading a book. Mary and your brother were talking so I was kicked out of his room and told to sleep in here tonight. So deal with it princess I'm not leaving." Luke says without even looking up at me.

"Well if you really need you can stay in my room but you are not sleeping in my bed. I sleep alone and I kick in my sleep. Wouldn't want to beat you up before we go to Florida where there are all new girls to sleep with. They might think it's ugly you having bruises all over you" I say. With an instant Luke is off the bed and he is pushing me against my door with his whole body.

"Why do you always assume that I sleep with every girl I see?! I am not some man whore who sleeps with anything that has legs I can get between." He practically yells at me.

"Luke it probably has to do with the fact that when you took me out to dinner for my high school graduation you wouldn't stop flirting with the waitress then you left with her and made me find my own ride home! Do you remember that? Cause I sure so. I have never been more humiliated in my whole life and it was because you couldn't keep it in you pants long enough to even have a dinner with me that you invited me to in the first place!" I say fighting back tears.

Luke looks as if I've slapped him and he lets me go. "Nicole you know that I'm sorry about what happened that night. I got half way home after hanging out with her and then came to find you at your house but you hadn't made it home yet." He says quietly "Your brother wanted to kill me after you called him to pick you up from the middle of no where. I wanted to kill myself cause i was such a dick to you." He finished.

"Well Luke it's all in the past anyways. It's not like it matters anyways. Im going to bed goodnight luke." Then I walk over and turn my lights off an dcrawl into bed. The last thing i remember is someone sliding into bed next to me and then my alarm was going off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2013 ⏰

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