Chapter 4: Mortals

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Previously, on Vengeance, Passion, and Despair.

Etalia is visited by one of her friends, the eldest prince, Alaric, who comforts her and lets her know he's going to fight for her freedom. As they speak, the attack going on outside seems to worsen as they are rocked with booms and explosions strong enough to knock them over. Etalia discovers there is more to her powers, when she accidentally produces some sort of pole from her hand to balance her. She hasn't heard anything more from her parents.

Present time (published 23/11/21)

I close my eyes, trying my best to see an image of George in my head. But, it's been so long, I'm worried I won't be able to remember him correctly. Nonetheless, I keep my eyes closed and take a deep breath, searching through my memories for him.

There he is! His toothy smile as he told jokes. His kind, tired face that gifted me with patience, respect and knowledge. His patient voice, answering my questions and explaining things he believed I should know. His scarred, rough hands that shot around the air as he pointed things out to me or demonstrated how the most common of objects worked.

George was my friend. My tellus friend. That's a big thing, for my people. You see, the sort of thing isn't common; why bother when they'll die in the blink of an eye? All that can follow is unnecessary heartbreak and loneliness. Of course I knew this, it's why I was so hesitant to speak to him.

At the time, he was only in his twenties. That's two of my years! The very concept of that difference in time... it's crazy! Remarkable, indescribable... and heartbreaking, really.

George was my first real introduction into the potential the mortals possess. And I cannot thank him enough for this. He showed me that there's more to humans than anger, greed and violence. He showed me that humans can be kind, hard working, honest and funny. He showed me that there's more to humans than just war.

He was so understanding, and passionate about this fact! He insisted on proving it to me, taking hours out of his day to explain things, show me around, and setting it right. My father has taught me many things in my life time, but after meeting George it became clear to me that some of his knowledge was incorrect. I never thought that was possible. George told me it made sense that my father wouldn't have all the facts, given how far away we lived.

The thing is, George knew where I was from because I told him. That sort of thing is banned for my people!

I was told once, by my father, that "if the humans ever knew we existed... carnage would follow." He never elaborated. I never told my parents that George knew the truth. I never told anyone, not even Alaric. I couldn't risk it. What if they did something to him? Or to me? After all, it's possible that it could be considered treason.

I only spent one earth year with George. A blink of an eye. But I believe that it's been my best experience on earth by far.

Tellus. Earth. My first visit was when I was six, but I don't remember much about that one. Mainly flashes of voices, snippets of smoke, big stone buildings and glimpses of wooden sea vessels. I was rather young, after all, and was kept close to my parents. I guess they thought I might disappear, with earth being an unfamiliar area and all.

It's a good point. I don't live there after all, with all those mortals. The longest I've ever stayed was two Tellus—earth—years. Which, to be honest, is not a lot of time. Time moves different up here. One full year up here, on my realm, is ten earth years! It's a crazy difference, it effects my people's ageing and all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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