Chapter 14

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Tammy POV 

My plan worked i asked Nathan to call Noah to pick him for work and call in him and After talking to Noah i knew exactly what to do. I was walking towards the cafeteria. When Noah told me about his parents my heart break thinking in such young age he went through hell and now i made him go through the same hell but i had to fix and i knew how to fix it. I looked around the cafeteria and my eyes locked with chocolate eyes i walked towards him all his friends were sitting .

"Isaac i need to talk to you" i crossed my arms , he looked surprised "Alone" he nodded and i asked him to follow me when I turned to walk away my eyes locked with my favorite blue eyes he was with Nathan and Justin all the three were looking at Isaac and I walking so i just walked straight ignoring hurt look in Noah's eyes but i had to do it even though he told me to get a closure i know he's hurt . I walked in empty class and took seat and asked Isaac to sit.

"Does it hurt seeing me with Noah?"


"Do you think you love me?"

"I know i do"

"Do you want me back?"


"Even if I don't want you?" He looked sad but I ignored his pain.


"Even if i hurt your ego?"

"I um Yes"

"Even if i dont love you?" He looked at his lap.

"Yes" I chuckled

"Even if i'll never ever love you again?" I looked at he's teary chocolate eyes . I felt little sad but he did hurt me

"Yes" i sighed and stood up walked towards him and sat on my knees front of him

"Isaac remember when i told you I couldn't wait to tell you something even though it was early?" He nodded "i was going to tell you how much i loved you" he shut his eyes tears fell . No matter what he did i did love him at some point so i felt bad for him I wiped his tears he looked into my eyes "you know Isaac i was happy with you despite you faking it , i was genuinely happy but you took that away from me i waited days weeks for you to come tell me it was misunderstanding and you want me back but you didn't. I wanted you by my side but every time Noah was there . When i cried Noah was there , when i found happiness Noah was there , when i was at worst Noah was there through my ups and downs Noah was there , you were never there when i needed you but Noah was . Even right now in my heart it's not you but Noah I love him but I haven't told him because I'm scared , the last time i tried telling someone i love him he broke my heart." Isaac looked guilty he couldn't look me in the eyes

"I'm s-so s-sorry T-Tammy . D-Did i-i lo-lose you?" Hearing him like this broke my heart . I never wanted to him in this situation.

"You lost me when you kicked me out of your life" I whispered he sobbed I couldn't help but stand and wrap him in my arms he held me and cried . I let him

"I'm sorry" he whispered i pulled back "i wont come between Noah and You" i ruffled his hairs he smile .

"One problem solved, one more to go" he chuckled

"All the best" i thanked him and walked towards the door he called me so i turned around

"Just one last time" he pecked my left cheek but pressed his lips a little longer i smiled he pulled away i walked out of the door and out of his life .


Time passes faster than you blink . I got my self busy with school work in between my love triangle i lost my grades so i wanted good grades i want a good job and obviously move out I can't just live forever with Jess not that she might. Last week was Justin's 18th birthday it was us four . I got him his favorite Puma Sport shoes , Noah got him watch and Nathan gave him a promise ring and a bracelet with N+J . Everything is going good well expect I still haven't talk to Noah he was busy with school so I didn't let him lose focus . Isaac got into his sense and got busy with his life and only one was left to fix which was Noah and Mine relationship.

Today was just a normal day but i wanted to make it special to someone well you know who.

Noah POV

Life gets harder day by day . I haven't talk to Tammy after the day in Nathan's which was month or two ago. Last time we were at Justin's we did not speak much and she left sooner saying she has homework to do. I have seen her most of the time being in library well in all drama we had  we didn't focus on our grades especially Tammy since she went through a lot. I miss her is understatement but i was the one asked for time so im suffering the consequences.

I was driving towards school just same old boring day. I Parked and towards my locker i saw a note fell and there was rose I chuckled i read the note

Follow the red roses

I noticed there were roses on the floor so i followed it and it lead me into a classroom there were five juniors who gave me 1 rose each and once i turned around on the board it was written

See you in class 9

I walked towards the class i got in there was a rose and note

See you on staircase 

I walked towards staircase on first stair there was one rose i walked up and there were total 5 roses and note

Meet me on rooftop ;)

I walked up and when i pushed the door open i saw Tammy standing with a rose in her hand she smiled i walked towards her and notice the rose in her hand was fake once i stood a feet away from her she gave me the fake rose i took it i looked at the 12 real roses and 1 fake rose and what she said make my heart skip beat

"I promise to love you until the last rose dies" i looked at the roses only to realize there is one fake rose which will never die i smiled

"I promise to love you even more" she jumped into my arms i held her tight in my embrace and I promised to never let her go.

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