Part 3

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I couldn't believe it. I have been gone for 15 minutes and the dragon was nowhere to be found. How does one lose a bloody dragon? How does a thing of the size of a small van disappear?

I looked everywhere in the vicinity of Asterin's habitat but I couldn't find her. I know she can't fly and on foot, she can't be that fast that she would go to any other dragon enclosure. So where could she be?

I looked at my wristwatch, it was almost 9 o'clock. How am I supposed to find a black dragon in the dark?

I had no choice, however, if my boss finds out that I lost her on the first day of her being here, he is not only going to take this opportunity away from me but I am pretty sure I will get fired. Dragon on a loose is dangerous enough, but with 5 villages around the reserve, it's even worse.

I checked every place the dragon could be in the 500-meter radius. I was getting desperate and was ready to go wake up Matthew and tell him what happened when I remembered that I haven't checked the nearby forest.

Since Asterin was found by the MacFusty family inside one and was hurt and scared, it didn't even come to mind that that is where she could be.

I hurried to the edge of the forest and lit up my wand – it was too dark to see anything without it.

About 5 minutes of me walking, I heard the rustling of leaves. I lowered my wand as I didn't want to shine the light directly into the dragon's eyes and took a few cautious steps forward trying to make as little noise as possible.

"Asterin, it's me, Charlie. Please don't get startled. I just wanted to bring you some food." I whispered.

I have never been so afraid of a dragon before. I didn't know her well enough to predict her next move. I know I should stay calm as she can sense fear but I couldn't help it. She could just jump at me and eat me alive. Maybe that's her delicacy – eating people.

"Asterin?" I tried calling her again.

I heard a twig break and pointed my wand in the direction of the sound. I thought my heart was going to jump out of my ribcage when I didn't see anything but a pair of purple eyes. I took a step backward and lowered my wand.

"Asterin, please, you can't be in the forest. It's not safe for you." I said with a gentle voice. I saw smoke coming out of her nostrils and that doesn't mean anything good. If she breathes fire in the forest she can endanger the two Hungarian Horntails on the other side of it that just had their eggs hatched two weeks ago.

I knew I had to do something about it and get the dragon out. There was no time for panic or me chickening out.

Chicken! That's it!

I tried not to show too much excitement not to startle the dragon.

"Asterin, I am just going to get something and I'll be right back." I took a few steps backward, looking her directly in the eyes before turning around and returning to the food supply hut.

If she doesn't want to eat meat – especially the Hebridean Black favorite, deer – then maybe she has to have another preference.

I unlocked the door and went straight to the baby dragon section. Chicken blood and brandy. If she can't eat solids, then maybe this will do the trick to get her back to her habitat!

"Asterin, I brought you something," I whispered the second I knew I was getting close to where she was before. I carefully lifted my lit wand to spot her eyes – she didn't move from where she was before I left.

"I think you'll love this. It smells delicious!" I tried sounding cheerful and even though my heartbeat has slowed down, I was still a bit nervous.

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