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A/N: Please read the NEW ending to chapter 26 before continuing.

Oni resized the picture again and again. It wasn't the best rendition of himself, but it was better than nothing. They still weren't allowed to cut their hair yet. As such, his was simply out of control.

He'd washed and pressed his uniform well. But the hair. Seeing it in the holo image now made his spirits sink.

Something landed on the ground before him. The black band confused him until he reached for it. A strong elastic like this might be useful. When he looked up from his position on the floor to find the head cadet at his desk, ignoring him, he made a fast job of yanking his hair back and using the band to keep it in place.

The fine curls were soft enough now that he'd freshly washed it. Fortunately, the band worked well. Oni regained some confidence.

"Although you should just skip the party and stay here practicing more," Sen grumbled under his breath. He eventually added, "But then again, with how badly you'll wash out tomorrow, you might as well enjoy what you can of this place. You won't be here much longer."

Oni stared at the boy's back. Even now, nearly six months from when he'd started sharing this bunk, he still couldn't understand Sen.

Sen was still cold, short with his answers, and often lobbed insults Oni's way. And yet, he took the time out to explain anything about protocol when Oni asked. And even if it meant twenty demonstrations for Oni to understand a maneuver, Sen did it again and again without arguments or complaints. Some days Oni thought perhaps Sen was warming up to him. But then Oni realized it. Sen was bound by requirements, the same as any other head cadet. He was simply covering his own back to make certain Oni could never say he was neglected.

Somehow, this explanation didn't quite explain it all but Oni accepted it. Therefore, Oni stayed out of Sen's way and followed all orders. The party was still three hours away, and yet, Oni changed and readied himself when told. It was probably for mockery but that was all right.

Oni soon found out why Sen was ready so early. Sen's outfit didn't change much, though, he wore some embalms. One thing he never wore, which Sen took great interest in, was a sash on his arm like other head cadets. Maybe that meant his mother, whoever she was, had no double or triple digits.

"Come in," Sen said, dragging Oni from his train of thought.

When the door opened, Oni pressed his back against the wall and pushed himself up to stand. Tonight's goal was simple, do—say what he had to while he still could.

One head cadet walked in. "Um, need a new button for my uniform. Lost it in a scuffle."

To Oni's surprise, Sen gestured to a small, open container on the desk. It wasn't a typical decoration, leading Oni to believe it was brought out for this occasion.

The head cadet hurried to retrieve the button with a smile. "Payment?"

"The usual," Sen said without looking at him.

"Three days' food ration. Consider it done."

He reached the door before Sen called out, "Put some sweets in it."

The boy looked back once then left. For the next hour, head cadets came and went. Some wanted accessories, even piercings, hair bands, brushes, small things Oni'd thought all head cadets were privy to. More and more, the meager demands reminded him of the Outerlimits. Back home, even a hairbrush was a great find when scavenging. This place was supposed to be different.

It was when Sen tossed the flat container of hair gel at yet another cadet that Bray arrived.

Sen waited but when the boy didn't answer, he ushered the next person in. Once that head cadet left, Sen said, "Stand in front of the door."

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