normal day

32 2 1

(I'd use screenshots but I deleted Lumina since they were taking up slots)(I also wasn't gonna chnage their design every time they get a redesign)

Lumina: * minding her own business*

Hunt: * appears out of nowhere and just pounces on Lumina*
Hunt:So um, I need help trying to kill nicole again:3

Lumina: didn't you say you were over that.. AND WHY CANT YOU JUST DO IT YOURSELF

Hunt: u know I said that, but creator words matter more!(including if she can delete you without remorse) and you live with the target!

Lumina: you almost got me banned last time...

Hunt: good times! :)

Lumina: just leave please

Hunt: c'mon Lumina you said you loved me! Just help me out here!

random book randomness [part 2]• electric boogaloo •Where stories live. Discover now