Chapter 25

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Nari stood in a small clearing next to Jungkook. She looked at him and gave him a small smile, but he didn't seem to see her. He looked... angry. His nostrils were flared, his jaw was clenched tight, and his eyes were a searing red.

He wasn't with her in her dream, she realized. This was a dream that was about him, and by how tense the atmosphere was becoming and the look on his face, it wasn't a good dream. She couldn't tell if it was a premonition or just a regular nightmare.

She looked around the clearing. There was nothing to indicate why Jungkook was so angry. The clearing seemed so peaceful, but the unease that radiated from him almost had her vision warping the surrounding trees into other beings and monsters. She was ready to grab his hand as if to soothe him even though she knew she couldn't touch him.

A figure stepped out from the trees, and it took her a moment to realize she was looking at herself. She was wearing a dark cloak to conceal her very pregnant body, and she felt the baby flutter in her own stomach as if the baby was also witnessing this.

"Stop." His voice was cold and detached. Long gone was that caring and soft voice he left only for her. What had she done?

Her dream self's laughter echoed. "What's wrong? You don't miss me?" She gave a mock pout.

But then the dream changed. She was still in the clearing, but it was Taehyung glaring at Daliania instead.

"I'm sick of your games." His hand twitched at his side, and he took a deep breath through his nose. "Haven't you had enough, Ania?" His voice came out calmer. The red in his eyes faded to their normal black, and his features softened a little. "Aren't you tired?"

Nari's chest ached for Taehyung. He sounded so broken. "Taehyung," she tried to say, but she sounded like she was far away. He couldn't hear her. "Taehyung, don't go towards her!"

But he did. He crossed the clearing slowly, and Nari felt like she was rooted in place. When Taehyung reached Daliania, Nari was surprised to notice Daliania stood with a blank stare and her arm outstretched to beckon him. That look was so familiar, but she realized too late what it meant. Taehyung grabbed Daliania's hand, and a dark wound crept up his arm.

Her eyes snapped open. Her throat was dry, and she felt the painful hum of hunger along with the residual pain from where Namjoon touched her.

"Here." A vampire she didn't recognize handed her a blood bag, and she greedily took it. "They told me to keep an eye on you and that you'd need to eat. Jeon is with Kim Taehyung handling a few things."

When she was done, she asked, "What's your name?"

"Erik." He rubbed the back of his neck as if he were shy. She smiled at that.

"Hi, Erik. Is Eunjin busy?" She needed someone familiar, no offense to Erik. She also needed someone to check on Taehyung. Obviously someone that wasn't Jungkook.

"I can find her. Would you like me to call for Jeon as well?" He stood up to leave, but he waited as Nari considered it.

"No, just Eunjin. Thank you."

He left her alone, and she leaned back into her pillows. Delayed fear rippled through her, and it took everything in her not to cry.

Mere seconds passed before Eunjin was waltzing into her room with a groggy Yoongi behind her. Tired eyes met hers, and Nari reached up for her friend. Eunjin complied easily, and she fell into Nari's arms like she'd been lost and was finally saved.

Yoongi sat on the edge of the bed and watched the girls hug each other. There was an ease between them he envied. There was a fleeting image in his mind of himself hugging Jungkook or Seokjin, and it almost made him smile.

Eternal Soul | BTS Supernatural AU Book 2Where stories live. Discover now