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Life is good. Your job is going well, you really never though journalism was for you until now. You are a well known journalist in this new city. Although, it's not so new to you. It's been two years since you left Gotham. You left your past behind and wiped your mind clean of everything with the joker, for the most part. Things were so much better now, you are so much happier.

Most of your coworkers cover small, easy incidents: events in town, festivals, puppies on the street. However, you're well known because you don't mind covering the gruesome things. They're fairly rare in your area, but when they come up you know right away. The local police knows you by name, and even sometimes give you some juicy details. You take what you can get, murders are extremely rare. Mostly you get burglaries and grand theft auto and smaller crimes. 

While this gets you money, your coworkers and boss are concerned that your talents are deserving of higher pay and more stories than you are able to crank out. You come in to work on gloomy Wednesday afternoon. Your boss says she has to speak to you immediately. 

You come in with confidence, knowing there is no way you will get fired because you are the best she has. Hell, maybe you're getting a raise. Who knows? You knock lightly, and politely on her door.

"Come in, and go ahead and take a seat," she says.

You walk in and take a look around, you've been in here before but never paid much attention to your surroundings. There are family photos everywhere, her and her wife and their son. They're very cute and happy. It almost makes you wish you could have a family, but love is hard for you after what happened those few years ago.

"You wanted to see me?" you ask, sounding a bit too eager to know what she has to say.

She looks at you with heavy eyes, almost like your mother would when you would come home with a bruise from school. This woman is almost like a mother to you, but you could never tell her that. It pains you to see her look at you like this, and you start to become worried.

"(Y/N), you are one of my best in the field. I believe that you will exceed in this field even further, you are an amazing author and you always to get down to the most minute details. You never fail to amazing."

"Thank you," you say a bit quietly, you know this is going to head somewhere you won't like.

"However, I feel that you won't be able to excel here. This town is too small. There is not enough of what you are looking for here. I don't think you will be able to continue doing this for much longer with the lack of... what one might call 'violent crimes.'"

"Ma'am, I hope you don't mind me asking..." you pause, trying to think of the best way to word it, "...are you firing me?"

She chuckles and shakes her head no at you. "Don't be silly, I could never fire you. I just think that you can succeed elsewhere."

"Elsewhere being...?"

"Gotham," she says, cutting right to the chase now, "I know you have history there, whether you disclosed it to me or not. Most people know about it, including part of what you went through with him." 

She sighs heavily and looks down at her desk. She knows? Most people know? What does she mean? 

"Most people know? What do you mean by that? What is known? Have I missed something in the news?" You begin to sweat and your heart is racing.

"This is a small town, (Y/N). Everyone knows you by now after all this time and after all you've done. Everyone loves you and wants to protect you. If you really want to know though, I'll tell you."

"Please tell me, please. I need to know. I can't believe I never knew."

"We know what your profession was before you moved here, we know you attempted to completely erase yourself from Gotham. The Joker went on a rampage after you left. It was essentially an endless chase for you, constantly looking for you and leaving devastation in his wake. A lot of people died, a lot of people were injured, just because he wanted to find you. This isn't your fault, I know it isn't. That man is insane and he needs to be caught and locked away. But, he went into hiding after a few months of his rampage. Nobody has seen him since and Gotham has been just a bit more quiet."

"So... you're sending me there... to get him out of hiding so I can have more to write about. Even though I may die in the process?" You're astounded and a bit angry to say the least.

"No, no! Absolutely not. I have connections and I have arranged for someone to keep an eye on you and to ensure that you are not injured in any way. I just think that this is going to be a big opportunity for you, especially if he knows you are coming back! He will start causing a ruckus again and then you will have so much material! Besides, I've already got your apartment set up and I've given all of your information to one of our satellite offices there," She smiles softly and tilts her head a bit. Her aggression and lack of consideration angers you more than you can convey. She notices this, as your face has turned a light pink, and her smile fades.

"Trust me, (Y/N). This will benefit you in the long run. You will make more money, you will find better stories, you will make your way up the food chain. You must consider the pros and the cons. I know I should not have acted without considering how you may feel, but please just trust me. Trust that I am trying to help you succeed in life after what happened to you."

You sigh, you are still in disbelief about this whole situation. But maybe she is right, maybe this would be better for you. She was one of the best journalists in Gotham in her prime. She knows how hard it is, she's been through it. If she sees this much potential in you, there has to be some truth to what she claims will happen.

Reluctantly, you respond, "Okay, so what do I need to do before I go? And when do I need to book my plane ticket?"

She discusses the plans with you and prices and she tells you she will cover most of it but you are on your own for rent. She gives you the card for the office and tells you to call them as soon as you are settled so that you can get to work. She also gives you the information for the mysterious person who will be keeping an eye on you. Her name is Pamela Isley, and she lives in the same building that you will be moving into.

You finally leave the office and start your walk home, it's not too far. The sun has gone down and it's quiet. There is just the chirping of the crickets and the smell of rain. There is so much to think about and so much to prepare for. What if he finds you? How will that end? 

'No,' you think to yourself 'She promised me that Pamela will keep me safe. I have to believe her, I have to. Or else I can't have any hope for what lies ahead of me.'

Keep Smiling For Me 🃏 The Sequel - Joker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now