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"Well this is my story

My song that I'll play for you

No matter what you do, make sure

Not to get sick and I hope for you to be happy"


Renjun is currently sitting on their balcony, watching how the night in the city just seems so lively yet feeling so soulless as people getting off from work. He saw a pair of kids running around in their apartment park, leaving their parents to talk. All laughing and giggling.

All his thought is full of how loving Jeno is towards his best friend which the Chinese suspect is his love interest. It's impossible to say otherwise when all the boy see is how Jeno would look at Jaemin with his heart eyes, falling for the younger.

Jeno would always prioritize Jaemin over everything. Asking him what food he prefer, preparing things for the younger and remind him if there's anything missing from his bag. He would even go to the point of taking care of the younger more than he would for others. Always stick to Jaemin and never leave his side. As if Jeno couldn't live without Na Jaemin.

Indeed, he is envy with Jaemin for having Jeno's full attention. He get everything what he want when he just said it to Jeno. Jeno would certainly without fail, do everything just to see a smile in Jaemin's face.

When the younger hurt himself during their early days as boys group rookies, Jeno fall into a state of almost depression from lacking of Jaemin's presence. The boy would isolate himself and not even talking to other people except Jisung and Haechan.

Only after a few weeks without Jaemin did Jeno talk to other people, though it wasn't how he normally is. He wasn't the bubbly and talkative boy that Renjun knew. He is just how Renjun first met Jeno. The cold icy boy.

But one day, when Renjun heard him crying on his bed for Jaemin, it broke Renjun's heart. The Chinese cautiously entering the Korean's room. He kneeled beside Jeno's bed. Patting his back and hair.

With a hush and soft voice, he ask, "Do you want cuddle?" innocently.

The latter turn around to see a worried Renjun. He nodded at the boy as he didn't have a heart to push away the kind Chinese.

And after that night, Jeno is getting so much close with Renjun, as if Renjun is Jaemin. The second Jaemin. That's his nickname for the time being.

Jeno become possessive of the Chinese and always glare at people who gawking him. Except fans as he aren't supposed to be mad at fans for liking Renjun.

He even to some extent, pulled the Chinese close to him and pry Mark or Haechan's touches from the Chinese so it'll just be him, and only him. And he liked it to be honest. He feels like Jeno somehow falling for him, though he knew it's just a lie.

But everything change in the blink of an eye when Jaemin is back from his hiatus. As if Renjun and Jeno never been close, Jeno is back with Jaemin, being all chummy with the boy.

It indeed hurt Renjun because he feels like he was being used by Jeno to fill the void and gap in his heart from Jaemin's absence. He should've notice this when the time Jeno treat him so much like how he would for Jaemin. But Renjun just want to have the moment, even if it just for awhile.

He sighed. Mourning over his sad life won't get him anywhere. He stare at the beautiful sky to catch a glimpse of any star that he can get in the middle of the city. He search for one just to comfort his sad love life.

As he busying himself searching for the stars, he suddenly feel someone tapping at his shoulder. He jolted and turn around half way just to see Jisung smiling at him while holding two Melon bread and a boba tea.

"Wanna hang out with me?" the younger ask with enthusiast in his tone.

Renjun couldn't say no, so he nodded to the boy to let him in to the balcony. He scoot away to make a space for Jisung to have a spot next to him. the boy did what he just thought.

While sipping his drink, he look at the busy city. "What are you thinking about hyung?" the boy ask. Not curious but just worried of the older.

"My past," he answered with monotone.

"Jeno and Jaemin?" the Chinese nodded. "You know hyung. I know you think it impossible for you to confess, but you can at least try. Maybe he'll reciprocate your love. It ridiculous how easy he just forget of the time he treated you when Jaemin hyung isn't with us. I mean, it so absurd."

"But it did happened Sung. Don't you remember how easy he change when Jaemin is back? I still couldn't forget how betrayed I am from that incident."

Oh that one hella incident, how could Jisung forget. Jeno just suddenly push Renjun for making Jaemin carrying a box of bread to be given for fans. He harshly yelled at Renjun for making the younger who is still healing to carry the box. Why didn't he just carried it himself or ask Jeno for it, and the rest is how it is. Jeno being mean to Renjun for a whole year until this year. Suddenly Jeno made his sad attempt of trying pick up line to Renjun for 2 months now.

Though the older's heart is flipping and back flip, he just show his grimace face and ignore the attempt that Jeno made to him.

"I love him Sungie. And it hurt so much." Renjun shed his tears.

"Why do you love him?" Renjun's heart drop from the voice that isn't Jisung nor him.

He slowly turn around to only see a figure that he didn't even expect to see.

_To Be Continued_

(a/n: i already finished this book. and i am so dying to post all of the chapters at once. but should i do it or just post it every 2 chapters a day? hahhhhhh~)

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