Chapters 1

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Nicole was one of the best doctors in Canada which
meant that she got lots of interns every 5 years but this year she got the most beautiful girl she had ever seen

"Hello everyone my name is Nicole Haught you will call me doctor Haught and I am your coordinator" Nicole introduce herself to all the people standing in front of her

She had 3 boys and 3 girls

"Right so we have Waverly Earp, Wynonna Earp and Rosita Bustillos right" the girls all nodded raising there hands when there name was called

"And John Henry Holiday, Xavier Doll and Jeramy Chetri" the boys all nodded raising there hands when there names where called

"I'm a busy woman so you shall only contact me if someone is dying understood" They all nodded following Nicole

"Right we have 3 cases 2 people on each" they entered the first room and Rosita took the bored

"We have a healthy male has Abdominal pain he says that he has been getting them for the past year and all his doctors have said not to worry" Nicole nodded pointing at Doctor Dolls

"Your on this one with Doctor Bustillos" the group walked out the room and headed to the next

Holiday picked this bored up "we have a female breast cancer in her left breast she was diagnosed with it one and a half years ago without treatment" Nicole pointed to Wynonna giving this one to her and Holiday

"Right this one is for you guys who's gonna read it" Nicole said rushing to the next room

"I don't mind reading it mam" Waverly said in a shaky voice

"Yeah sure but sound more confident" Waverly nodded her head as they entered the room

"We have a female who has been stabbed in her brachial artery she was cutting vegetables when the knife hanger fell on her" Nicole took a look at the cut she had cut through the artery the knife stopping her from bleeding out

"I can't feel any pain doctor. Sorry I never got your name" Nicole let go of the lady's arm looking at her bored

"I'm doctor Haught and this is doctor Earp and doctor Chetri" Waverly waved at her patient looking at Nicole confused

"Ok I will be on this case with you two" Nicole loved that Waverly was the last one left she couldn't keep her eyes off her and Waverly could keep her eyes off Nicole

"So does that mean I can take out the knife doctor Haught" the lady said in a flirty tone, Nicole hatted it when patients flirted with her but she would never say anything

"No don't touch that knife it is the only reason you haven't bled out yet you have cut your artery meaning that if you were to move that knife you will lose gallons of blood within seconds making you bleed to death" Nicole talking all smart made Waverly want her even more then she already did, but she didn't like the tone that Nicole had used towards the now scared patient

"Doctor can I talk to you outside really quick" Waverly asked Nicole signalling towards the door, Nicole nodded following her outside the room

"What's up Earp" Waverly took the clip bored from Nicole hands

"I think the best way to approach this kind of situation is to stay calm with her and not say stuff so straight forward" Nicole like Waverly but she didn't like people telling her how to do her job

"Don't you dare tell me how to do my job Earp it's only your first day and I'm your boss do you understand" Waverly nodded and they both entered the room together

"So you will go into surgery in about 4 hours don't eat anything and don't drink anything these two loverly Doctors will be here if you need anything ok" the lady nodded at Nicole orders "Chetri you can scrub in" Waverly gave Nicole a really look making Nicole smile at her

Nicole left the room to check on her other interns Waverly hot on her hills

"That's not fair Nicole. Chetri is new to this kind of thing I'm not I could help" she was chasing after Nicole who was practically running down the hall

"Maybe next time Waves" Waverly blushed at the name Nicole had given her but didn't let Nicole see it she was mad at her not in love

"What's wrong Doctor Earp" Waverly knew her whole face went red so she said nothing leaving Nicole to get to her other interns

"Doctor Earp what's wrong" Jeramy asked Waverly as her whole face was bright red

"Nicole is what's wrong why did she have to shout at me" Jeramy was shocked by the way Waverly had talked to him they was friends in high school but that was it they hadn't really talked much in years

"Oh umm why did she shout at you" Waverly looked up at the hurt Jeramy she remembered leaving at the end of school

"Hey I really am sorry how things went out with us in fact I'm actually bi now so" Jeramy nodded remembering what has happen the last time they talked

"That doesn't make things better Waverly you was the nicest person in town until champ put his dick inside you then you changed a lot" Waverly look ashamed of what she did but she doesn't regret it her doing what she did helped her discover who she was and who she liked and it definitely wasn't champ hardy her high school sweetheart

"I know Jerr but we are grown now I know sorry's not enough and it never will be and I'm not asking you to forgive me just remember how close we was before it happed" he smiled at Waverly giving her a hug

"I know dummy I missed you so much" She smiled at herself she had her best friend back and she knew that he would support her no matter what

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