🥀Chapter Seventeen🥀

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I had to attend a meeting today in place of Mordechai. It wasn't too important and all I had to do was take notes and report back to him. He could've gone himself but I was the assistant so I had to do what I was told.

I sat in my office hoping to finish off these documents before the day ends. I found four already that needed to be typed over and the rest only needed to be stamped. As I sat there, the door was immediately pushed open without even a knock.

A woman came in before closing it and glaring at me. I realized she was the same person who I saw in the extra short skirt when I just came here. I caught a few glimpses of her a few times either leaving Mordechai's office or just casually strolling around. Her office was the third one on this floor.

I felt somewhat confused and irritated as she started walking around looking here and there. We have never exchanged words before because I could tell from her eyes that she despised me. I didn't know why and I wasn't planning on caring. As long as I am doing my job I'm fine.

"I'm Tiffany. Tiffany Wellington. We have never spoken before but forgive me, I only socialize with very important people and most times I'm busy helping Mordechai managing this business. I calculate the sales and other important things", she said but I just stared at her not saying anything.

One more cocky person to deal with. I also noticed that she called him Mordechai and not Mr. Lenetti or boss. Perhaps it was a privilege of having the same arrogance as him.

"What do you want?", I say easing back into my chair when I noticed that she wasn't planning on leaving. I wasn't intimated by her and if she was planning on bullying someone who just started working here, it won't be me. She looked me up and down before her face twisted into disgust.

"Let me get to the point then ; stay away from him. I can already tell that you have your eyes on him, maybe even dreaming about him. He's too good for you and why would he want to be with someone who doesn't even have their own place? Someone who can't even afford to dress perfectly as to persay that they actually work for someone as wealthy and be known as him. You're his personal assistant and that doesn't mean you should start to develop personal feelings".

She was out of her mind. She couldn't possibly think that I wanted Mordechai!. And who was her to judge me ; I swear sometimes I would go insane if I stayed around people like her for too long.

"First of all I could care less about you and your status, next I don't want -

The door to my office opened and mordechai came in looking between me and her with furrowed eyebrows. I calmed myself down and took a seat in my chair before turning around to my desk and continued working.

"What's going on here?".

"She was on her phone so I thought she was slacking off and gave her a small talk".

I turned around immediately from the lie she just told. She had this evil smile on her face and if it wasn't for god and my dignity I would scratch that smile off her face with my nails. I never felt like I wanted to do something painful to anyone as much as her.

"What's your problem? First you insult me because you think your wealth makes you above me and then you tell a lie on me? If you have problems I suggest you try to work them out instead of taking them out on humble people", I replied as I felt a satisfaction when her smile fade into a thin line.

"I need to speak with miss Collins alone", Mordechai said as he glared at me. I had to stop myself from just groaning and walking out. Tif, that's what I'll be calling her from now on - walked out slamming the door shut.

"Why were you on your phone when you should be working?".

"What?", I said in disbelief. He actually believed her ; and why wouldn't he? She was very close to him as far as I could see things.

"Watch your tone with me and if I hear that you have been slacking off again I won't hesitate to fire you. That means you won't receive any money and you won't be leaving the city anytime soon. Miss Wellington have been working for me a long time now and I suggest you try to respect her. Your job depends on that as well".

By this time I felt so much anger and hurt. I hated when people have things on me or over me. They would always use it to manipulate me. It reminded me of Zed and my past. I felt the tears brim to my eyes ; the tears I've held back for so long. The tears I told myself that I won't let out again.

I didn't know how long I kept my eyes focused on the floor. I heard my office door closed and that's when I looked up. I wiped my eyes as the emotions took me over. I was a strong woman I shouldn't have broken down like this. But even if the strongest person on earth have feelings. I was just a human, and I had to feel.

It was time for lunch but I didn't feel like eating. I left my office and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror for a few seconds before I washed my face. I just needed to breathe.

Inhale, exhale.

I walked out and made my way towards the elevator. I just needed some time away from this place. After I reached the bottom floor I left the building. I went straight to the park and sat down on a bench. There wasn't a lot of children around today.

I didn't know how long I sat there for but I knew lunch was already over and the meeting had started. I wasn't going and I didn't care if I had to face the consequences. I hate him and his arrogant ways and if I had a wish...

If I had a wish. That thought struck a nerve and I started thinking about all the things I could wish for. To change my past, or perhaps I could've made a wish before it actually took place. I could wish for a family that really loved me ; or maybe a family of my own. But wishes were only lost thoughts and they will never come true.

I left the park and went back to the office. Some of the workers were looking at me as I made my way to the elevator. It didn't faze me because I was used to being stared at. Whether it was because of my body or my status.

The elevator came to a stop and opened as I came face to face with Mordechai. He looked pissed more than anything right now. I stepped out of the elevator and stood there as I met his eyes.

"Why did you leave without informing me? And I thought I told you that you had to attend a meeting that I won't be at? I had to get the information from Miss Wellington because my personal assistant made me look bad!", he spat but the way I was feeling at the moment I didn't care too much.

"It seems as if you need some punishment to fully understand your place here. Don't leave as soon as your time is up, I have something for you to do".

And with that he walked past me brushing my arm in the process as he went to the elevator. Tif stood there with a smirk on her face as she flipped her hair to one side before going to her office. I went to mine and this time I locked the door.


It was time to go home so I took up my bag and left the office. I managed to finish most of the work but I had a few files left. Not going to lie but working in an office is hard work. Sure the AC is nice and all but typing for hours is not.

After I went outside I saw Mordechai in his car, parked up, waiting for me I think. He opened the door to the backseat and I went and sat down. I closed the door and he drove off. I had no idea where he was taking me ; probably for my 'punishment'

I crossed my arms as I looked out the window. I felt numb so right now I wasn't focusing on anything around me. I eyed him for a few seconds before closing my eyes and taking a deep sigh.

"Where did you get an iPhone?".

"It was a gift", I replied coldly without opening my eyes. I had no beautiful memories to focus on so I thought about what I was gonna do when I leave the city. Find a home and settle down and then get a good job.

Then maybe, just maybe, I'll find that special someone.


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