I: war within

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The attack came out of nowhere, unexpected and sudden. Chaos surrounds me, consumes me, cutting me to the bone and eating at my flesh.

My body writhes and my skin crawls. A kaleidoscope of colour explodes on the taste buds of my tongue and the world tilts as a cloudburst of rain, of stars, of fire, dyes my skin in a myriad of sensations.

Or maybe it's just my world that's tilting.

I am simultaneously hot and cold and numb, my body breaking apart and my cells recollecting in the same instant it takes to inhale a fistful of flames.

Scattered stars burns the nape of my neck as the black void engulfs me. Before I can summon my own self into existence, before I am but a thought summoning a thought of myself, the void spits me back out.

I emerge from the earth, shockingly awake, astoundingly aware. Stars and dust still cling to my skin like dew, and waves crash at my eardrums, drowning out the heavy thud-thud-thud of my warring heart.

Ash falls from a sky onto the snow covered plain (my own plain of existence), letting out soft hisses as it gently, slowly, lovingly, kisses the earth.

What a fine welcome, I think as my world finally tilts back on its own axis. Even as my lungs screams and ice pierces my throat, my eyes close and I am undone.


a/n: I don't know what this is, but my insomniac thoughts are at it again.

I wrote this listening to smyang lofi

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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