🥀Chapter Eighteen🥀

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Mordechai drove into his garage at what seemed like a penthouse. The place was getting dark and all I wanted to do was go home and take a nice shower then get some rest. My mind couldn't even decipher what he brought me here for. It was funny because he despised me and for a person my status ; he would never want me at his place.

"Get out and follow me".

I glared at him for a few seconds before exiting the car. I crossed my arms over my chest and followed behind him. We went to an elevator and I stepped in before the door closed. He pressed a button and I went to the corner and rest my head against the walls. I just wanted to lay down and rest my body.

The elevator came to a stop and the door opened revealing darkness. He walked out but I stood still. I was thinking of just pressing the button to go back down when the lights came on. I stepped out and started examining the place. It was beyond words ; it was very expensive too.

We were in what seemed like a lounge room and it was very spacious. I watched as Mordechai took off his tie before taking out a glass and a bottle of wine. My feet hurt but I didn't want to anger him by perching myself on his couch. Even thou it looked so soft and relaxing.

"Come with me", he said as he took a sip of his wine and went down a long hall. I felt like I wanted to fall because my feet were planning to give out on me. He stopped at a door before looking at me for a few seconds with a smirk and then he opened it.

I stood at the door until the lights came on and I almost fainted from what I saw. It was an office and it had two separate desks. I knew the one that was definitely his but the other one was in the corner.

And it was stacked with documents!.

He wasn't serious ; he couldn't be. He didn't expect me to actually sit down and sort through documents at this time.

"Are you going to say something as to why you brought me here at this time?", I say deciding to ease the silence in the room.

"Your punishment. Those documents aren't going to sort themselves. You can take them home and I want them finished by Friday. And most of them requires a 'thank you letter' so ensure you type them correctly".

"You can't be serious ; there's no way I'm sorting through so many files", I replied before turning to leave but when I pulled the knob it wouldn't budge. I turned around and saw him glaring at me.

"Only I can let you leave Vanessa, so don't waste the energy you have left. Take the documents so you can leave, I need to go to bed", he said as he took a seat and started watching me.

"You're so arrogant and cruel!", I said to his face before going over to the desk and pushing some of the files in my bag. There was just too much to carry. Luckily I saw another bag and I packed them inside and held the remaining in my hand.

"I want to leave now", I say as I stood in front of him. My anger was boiling at full point and I needed to leave this place so I could calm down.

"And besides why can't the other assistants help to sort through these. Its just not fair-

"You don't make the damn rules here! I'm your boss and I tell you what to do and when to do it and the time you should be finished by. I'm sick of you challenging me Vanessa and it's about time you learn your place!".

By this time he had stood up and was looking at me with rage. The veins in his arms were showing and his eyebrows came together. He was definitely angry and for what? Because I challenge him? He was the one who kept insulting me and there was nothing wrong with me standing up for myself and talking for my rights. This punishment was seriously unfair.

"I'm only talking for my rights Mordechai and what you're doing is seriously unfair. At once I thought that if I was as wealthy as you, you could actually tolerate me but if being so rich means you actually look down on people and insult them, I rather be poor all my life. I just want this damn contract to be over so I won't have to be in your presence because it seems as if low status people makes your skin crawl. So let me out so I can leave".

He sat down and I waited for him to say something but he didn't. He remained quiet before reaching under his desk and then I heard a beep sound and the door opened. I turned and walked out.

"You better finish those documents by Friday!!".

I ignored him as I left his place. He could go to hell for all I care. Once outside I started walking. It would be a miracle if I get a cab at this time of the night. I stood still as I sighed and rubbed my forehead. My phone started buzzing and I searched around in my bag until I found it. I saw that it was Devin but I wondered how he got my number.

"Hello", I say as I scanned my surroundings. I really shouldn't be out at this time of the night.

"Where are you? I'm home and you aren't here", he asked with a hint of worry in his voice that made my mood lighten up a bit.

"It's a long story ; I was at Mordechai's penthouse".

"Go to the nearest taxi stand and I'll come pick you up", he said as I sighed in relief. I end the call and continued walking. My mind drifted back to the amount of files I had to get done before friday. It was impossible to do that ; maybe the only way to finish on time was to take a day off.

I reached the stand and stopped as I looked around. I glanced over my shoulder and everywhere else that's possible. I started to get this feeling in my gut telling me that something was off. There wasn't anyone around this side and I was thankful.

A hand grabbed mine roughly and I turned around immediately. He held my hand so tight I knew there will be a temporary mark. He had the same hair only that it was dyed in a brown colour. He had another tattoo on his neck and a piercing over his left eye. I caught sight of the gun in his waist as I swallowed harshly. My breath sped up and I felt my body began to tremble.


He wore a smirk as he pulled his phone from his pocket. He let me go but this time he grabbed me by the neck roughly as I tried to pry his hands away. My bags fell as he held me up against the wall.

"You know, I've been searching for you for a very long time vanessa".

"Let. Me. Go", I breathed as I found myself getting hard to breathe. Tears brimmed to my eyes but before I could pass out he let me go. I fell to the ground as I backed away and tried to catch my breath.

"I gave you everything and that was how you repay me! By running off? Pathetic. I'll make you sure you receive the punishment of a lifetime", he shouted as he stooped to my level.

I held my knees to my chest as I tried to calm body down. I was shaking so bad and I'm afraid that I may have a panic attack. I couldn't pass out right now ; I need to find a way to get away from him but I was too numb to move.

Where was Devin?

I heard my phone ringing in a distance and I saw Zed smirk as he was about to get up for it but I grabbed his leg and pulled. He didn't budge and that earned me a slap right across my face. I held my cheek as I laid there as I felt my eyes slowly closing down.

I heard a car pull up and that's when my eyes fluttered open and I saw Zed's body fell to the ground. He started coughing up blood and I looked up as Devin took me up in his arms. I held him unable to form words as he took me to the car.

I didn't know what happened next as my eyes became heavy and I was consumed by darkness.


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