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"Hey Deku what's up?" "Uraraka, how have you been? I miss hanging out with you." "I'm good, Iida and I are about to go get some diapers for the baby. How have you been?" "... I'm good." "That's good to hear, listen I'll have to call you back later. The baby just woke up. Let's meet for lunch in a few days okay? I'm sorry, bye for now!"

Midoriya dropped his hand to his side, I'm glad, she sounded so happy. His fake smile turned into a frown when he remembered what today was. He was to go dress shopping with his fiancee; Jiro.

A few months ago Inko decided to branch out with the music business, she wanted to add guitars to their woodwinds. After fishing around she found out the Jiro family was running a rather big business selling guitars and she gave them a deal. If her son was to marry their daughter they would become business partners. They agreed rather quickly, all because the two went to high school together and Midoriya had always been the top of the class.

So old fashioned, right? Midoriya could hardly believe it when he heard. He had no one else to blame but himself, he never told anyone he was gay. Well one person, Todoroki, and that was only because Todoroki kissed him when they were in college.

Their small business didn't need something like this to stay afloat, Inko just wanted to marry off her son. In her defense, she didn't know. That's still fucked up though, and Midoriya has resentment built up towards her because of it.

"Hey babe," Jiro walked into Midoriya's apartment and kissed him on the cheek. "Are you ready to go dress shopping?" Midoriya put on his best fake smile, "Yes, let's go lovely."

Saying that made him cringe, but he knew it made her happy, or seemed too. In fact, he didn't know much about her. She never opened up, even back in high school she always had headphones in. Midoriya wasn't any better, his only friend was Uraraka back then and that was because he helped her find her class on the first day of school.

They walked out to Midoriya's car, Jiro had her head down in her phone. Being the curious person that he was, he looked over her shoulder a little. "Who are you texting?" Jiro quickly moved her phone, "No one! You shouldn't look over my shoulder like that!" She started to walk faster. Midoriya sighed, he was ready for today to be over.

Once they were in the car, Jiro turned the radio up all the way. Way to loud for Midoriya, but her body language said not to say anything or do anything, so he left it be.

20 minutes later they were finally at the shop.

It was so lively and full of happy mothers and daughters, happy sons and fathers, just happy people. Except the two walking in.

"Hello! How can we help you today?" A woman with long black hair asked, looking at Jiro with a big smile.

"Hi we have an appointment to get my dress fitted." Oh thank god. I thought she was picking out a dress today. "Sure, right this way." They started to walk away when she realized Midoriya was there, "Oh- sir, you can wait in here or in your car, whatevers fine." He pointed to the doors with his thumb, looking Jiro in the eyes while doing so.

Once he was in his car again, he out his head on the back of the chair and sighed. The sweet silence didn't last long, his phone started to ring. "Hello?" "Hey Midoriya, are you busy later?" He leaned forward, "No what's up Todoroki." "Let's go to this new bar that opened up a few days ago." Midoriya thought for a second, was it really a good idea? Who cares. I'm not married yet. "Alright. Where is it at?" "I'll send you the address, meet me there at 7." "Alrighty!"

He hung up then, he didn't feel like talking, even if that was rude he didn't care. He wanted to go home and think about his life.

He shut his eyes for what felt like a moment, but he was woken up by the car door shuting. He jumped, causing Jiro to giggle. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Midoriya took a drink of water then started the car, "it's alright. How long do you think I was asleep?" She thought for a moment, "well, I was in there for about a half an hour so probably less then that."

Midoriya nodded, "where to?" He was feeling groggy and did really just want to go home now, but he figured she would be hungry and he didn't want to send her home that way.

He might not see her romantically but that doesn't mean he wont treat her right. "Can we go to the one new fast food place, I love their classic!" Midoriya smiled, "alright." At least it's a drive threw.

About 45 minutes later Midoriya was home alone once again. "Finally." He sighed.

He sat on his couch, the thing was huge and dark gray with comfy blankets everywhere. Once again, he closed his eyes for a second and when he woke up, it was from knocks on his door.

"Hello?" He was surprised to see Todoroki standing there, half anger, half worry showed on his face. "I've been trying to call you, and you were supposed to meet me at the club an hour ago."

Now fully awake, Midoriya took out his phone, 3 missed calls and 5 messages from Todoroki. "I didn't mean to spam you but you never met answer out of the blue so I was worried."

Midoriya shook his head, "No no it's fine. I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep. Do you want to go now?"

Todoroki sighed, "let's go. I'll drive. Knowing you, you are probably to tired to drive. Do you ever sleep at night?" Midoriya blushed a little red from embarrassment, "I-I do."

"When?" Todoroki challenged as he started to walk to the car. Midoriya huffed, "I did on..." he paused to think. "Sunday." "Its Tuesday. How are you able to drive and do your work." Midoriya huffed again, thinking about work reminded him of his engagement.

"I dont have to work right now. My mother wants me to focus on my soon to be wife." He said the last part in a voice that tried to resemble his mothers.

Todoroki didn't say anything, so the interaction became silent. This silence was slightly uncomfortable, considering they havent hung out in a month or so, only talked on the phone a few times and the occasional run ins when Todoroki was running around.

Todoroki works as the manager in engineering for the biggest social media app in the country. Yeah, he is busy almost every waking moment.

"Why aren't you busy today?" Midoriya paused, "Oh wait! I mean- its nice that you arent busy I was just wondering why you didn't have to work today because you always have to work. Please dont take it-." Midoriya was quieted by Todoroki putting his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm going on vacation with my girlfriend this week. I left early because I finished all my work."

Todoroki stopped talking for a second, they were at a 4-way stop. "Plus," he glanced at the greenette. "We are going to get you a boyfriend, I'm just your driver." Midoriya raised his eyebrows, feld up with left hand, and pointed at his ring finger. "Cant."

Todoroki pulled into a parking spot, "why havent you called that off yet? It's your life Midoriya." Todoroki was tired of Midoriya suffering, it was clear.

Midoriya shifted uncomfortably, "I don't know." Todoroki rolled his eyes, "Come on. Let's go in."

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