9 | Kim Mingyu

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He is taller than the rest of his members.

He loves to cook for his members.

He is often the butt of their jokes, but still laughs with them.

He is a clean freak.

His voice is deep and raspy.

I love it when he sings!

He is amazing at rapping.

He is adorable.

He and Wonwoo seem to share a special bond and its adorable.

He is terrified of heights.

He's like a giant teddy bear.

He loves to hug his members.

He is very good at dancing.

He gets scared of things easily.

He can play electric guitar, and he's very good at it.

He is very clumsy.

He is super cute and goofy.

He is very good at acting.

He once was in a Thai drama and did amazing.

He is very good at writing lyrics.

He is so precious and talented.

Thank you for your passion and love of music.

Thank you for being hard working.

Thank you for all the comforting words you say, that have helped me in tough times.

And thank you for being you.

Kim Mingyu, I am so proud of you and I love you.

Sincerely, Carat(s)

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