Chapter One

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As I passed the President his wine glass, I casually let my hand pass over it, quickly dropping a little poison inside. When he took a drink, I smiled to myself in the knowledge that his death would be in mere hours. When I walked out the door, I purposely collided with the Vice President and slipped the remaining poison into his pocket. I love my job.
Three days later, a client of mine visited my office. When he entered, he strode over to my desk and slapped a newspaper down onto my desk. The headline read:
I chuckled and glanced up at him. "Are you satisfied with my work?"
"Oh, yes. Very, very satisfied." he replied, shaking my hand and giving me an envelope. I opened it and counted the money. Thirty thousand dollars. "All seems in order," I said, wondering why the man seemed so tense. "But you aren't done here, are you?" I asked him. His eyes widened in surprise. "H-how did you know?"
"It's my job to know, sir."
"You were right. There is one person..."
"And who is that?"
"Her name is Ruth Claythorne. She is running for the presidency and she has a lot of public favor on her side. If she's out of the way, it will be easy for me to gain the popular vote."
"Okay. I'll do some research. Are you willing to pay upwards of a hundred thousand dollars?"
"Yes!" He was very enthusiastic. "I'll pay anything to attain the presidency!"
Power hungry pig. I thought. But then again, I was the one charging cash for it. Who was I to call him out?
"Mr. McPeters," I said, "you have yourself a deal."

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