morning lectures

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[3rd August, Seoul, 7:00 am. Observation 1: cute barista guy]

For some people, there's that inexplicable morning rush as they stroll down the road while their skin is inked in golden, like sunlit honey. For others - more specifically, Junkyu - he would very much like to bash his head into a wall every time 7:00am comes knocking on his door. The sun hurts his eyes, he says. If you're lucky (or unlucky) enough, you'd get to hear his whines about how it's too early in the morning for people to be so-fucking-cheery. Point is, Junkyu hates mornings just a little more than the average human being. So, when his evening history lecture was moved up to 10am, he couldn't stop himself from complaining.

Muttering curses under his breath, he clutches his laptop and files tightly. He rushes inside the nearby cafe to buy some coffee. In his defence, it was the most necessary step in preventing his death. Stepping foot inside the cafe, he feels himself getting slightly irritated at the faint chime ringing from the bell. And life seems to keep testing the limits to his patience, as he spots the terribly long queue. He tries to convince himself to leave ("there's definitely other cafes with shorter lines" and "is the coffee really worth the wait"). In the end, the victor of his internal battle was decided once he figured he wouldn't last another 20 minutes without some caffeine running through his veins. Standing in line, he scrolls through social media, rolling his eyes at the couples doing lovey-dovey things on his feed. In reality, he finds it absolutely adorable. This idiot, known as Kim Junkyu, really just craves some love and affection, and the only way to cope with not receiving any was to pretend he doesn't want it. He shuts his phone and slides it into his pocket, realising that he's next to order.

"Good morning, welcome to Cozy Cafe, what can I get for you today," the barista at the counter asks, a grin plastered on his face.

"I'll just have a caramel macchiato frappe, please."

Junkyu waits patiently as the kinda-cute-counter-barista-guy punches in his order. He may be annoyed at almost everything right now, but he's not blind. The guy in front of him is attractive and he's not bothered enough to pretend otherwise. He unconsciously catches a glimpse of the barista's name tag. Jeongwoo? That's pretty. Pretty person with a pretty name, huh?

"Alright, that'll be 7 dollars. Can I have your name please?"

"It's Junkyu. Thank you," he says as he pays for his drink, giving a small nod to the barista, or Jeongwoo.

Due to the very very long queue earlier, Junkyu had about 10 minutes before he's late to class. With no time to spare, he waits for his order by the counter, occasionally sneaking glances at the barista. Once Junkyu receives his cup of coffee, he hurriedly heads out the door, uttering a soft 'thank you'. Fortunately for Junkyu, he makes it in time, just a couple seconds before the professor arrived. Slumping in his usual seat, he turns on his laptop while resting his chin on his palm. His eyes are fixed on the professor, who's speaking about the Tudor Reformation. For a moment, his gaze shifts to the cup of coffee on the desk, and his misspelled name does not go unnoticed. He restrains himself from scoffing in the middle of class. How does someone manage to turn Junkyu to Jangyu? If anyone asked, he'd probably tell them that it irks him; but really, in the back of his mind, Junkyu can't help but find it a tad bit adorable.

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