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    The room was drowning in darkness. A fan slowly rotated in the corner of my room but did little to stifle the heat radiating from beside me. Bucky mumbled in his sleep as he began to writhe under the silk of my sheets. I can feel his hands fist the fabric. I can feel his muscles tighten as he tenses up.

"No, please don't." He groans. My heart shatters as his voice quivers. He's slowly tossing his head from side to side. I reach my hands out and they touch the cool vibranium of his arm. My fingers run across his scorching skin. I can feel the mangled scars where the two connect. My hands slide up to his face and I gently stroke his stubbly cheeks.

"Bucky." I whisper softly, careful not to startle him awake and send him into a panic. His head tosses to the side and I can feel his breath fanning across my face. "Bucky." I say more sternly, my fingertips gently squeezing his skin. He jolts awake with a shriek and my heart sinks at the fear in his voice. He's hyperventilating.

"Hey, hey." I coo, rubbing my hands over his jaw, my thumb skimming his bottom lip. My eyes are slowly adjusting to the darkness and I can see the outline of his jaw, the quick rise and fall of his bare chest as he struggles to control his breathing. His hands reach up to touch mine and he holds them there with his own. I can faintly see his eyes flutter and close as his breathing slows.

"Blaire." His voice is soft, gravely. My favorite sound in the world. "You're here, you're real." I slowly nod my head and lean up to pepper kisses over his shut eyes. "You're here." He whispers.

"I'm right here, Bucky." His arms enclose around me and I'm flush against his side, my hands resting on his chest, my head tucked under his chin. I inhale deeply and allow my eyes to close. He smells so good. His body heat is overwhelming and almost unbearable but I endure it to be close to him. His hands find my hair and gently grip the tangled strands between his fingers. I can feel his lips against my scalp, gently pursing as he periodically kisses the top of my head.

"Are you okay?" I mumble against his chest, my index finger tracing random shapes in the valley between his pecks. There's a pause of dead silence between us before he hums a response. He doesn't want to talk about it and that's okay. My finger slowly traces over his nipple and he hisses in surprise when I gently pinch the bud between my index finger and thumb.

"Blaire." He warns. His voice is deep and authoritative. It makes my skin prickle and erupt in goosebumps. I soothe my thumb over the sensitive bud before leaning down and running my tongue over it. His hand tightens in my hair as a strangled groan leaves his lips. The air in the room quickly becomes electrified with desire, growing impossibly warmer. I place an open mouthed kiss over his nipple before moving my way up to his neck. My body halfway splayed cross his, my teeth attach to the soft skin behind his ear as my hand soothes his hair back and away from his face. His hands are gripping my hips tightly as he cranes his neck to the side to allow me a better angle.

"Let me make you feel better, baby." I whisper against the shell of his ear, grinning ferociously as he shivers under me. I get no response so my lips find their way along his neck as I leave my marks. Mine. All mine. He voices his pleasure with low whines of arousal as I make my way down his chest and lick my way through the small hairs along his sternum.

His hands find my hair again as I hook my fingers into the waistband of his boxers. I can feel the length of him straining against my chest as I pull the fabric from his body. I sit up and quickly remove his shirt from my body, leaving me completely bare. Bucky shoves the silky sheets off the bed and spreads his legs, allowing me to find my place between them. I run my hands up his thighs before gently grasping him in my hand. He hisses loudly as his back leaves the bed, his head digging back into the plethora of pillows adorning my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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