10 ✦ Exchange Event ²

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"So, what do you want?" Utahime said holding a cup of green tea.

"Huh? Why are you mad?" The male said.

"I'm not mad though?"

"Right? I haven't done anything, after all."

An irk mark appeared on the girl's face.

"There's someone working with either a curse user or curses at Jujutsu Tech." he suddenly said.

Utahime looked at him shocked, "Impossible! A curse user might be one thing but working with curses?"

"A lot of them on that level have been popping up lately. They understand human speech, and they've formed a faction that's operation with purpose. They might think they're just working with a curse user." he looked up, "I'd like to ask you to handle investigating those at Kyoto, Utahime."

"..what would you do if I was the traitor?"

The male smiled and waved his hand, "No way, no way. You're too weak and you don't have the gut-"

He gets cut off by the woman throwing her cup at the male but stopped die to his infinity, "Scary! Hysterics won't win men, you know."

"I! Am! The senior here!"

The male only chuckled. "...hey, do you know where Y/N is?"

"Uh, I don't think she's joining us today."

"Huh? But she even attended the meeting with Principal Yaga to talk about today?"

"I'm not sure, but earlier today, I asked Principal Yaga about our seats placement. He told me there's no need to prepare a seat for her."

"....I see." he sighed, 'She didn't tell me.'


"Itadori." Megumi called out, making Yuji turn around, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sounds like I've got a big role, but I'll be fine!"

"I'm not talking about that. Something happened, right?"

The (h/c) haired heard their conversation and thought, 'Damn, he's sharp.'

Yuji smiled, "Huh? Nothing happened." he scratched the back of his head.


"..okay, something happened but it's true that I'm fine. In fact, because of what happened, I don't want to lose to anyone."

"Okay, then. I don't want to lose, either." The black haired said walking towards the entrance where others were.

"What do you mean lose?! We're gonna kill it! Woohoo!! Let's do this!" Nobara shouted and started punching the air.

"Why are you so excited?" Maki asked.

"She probably ate too much sugar." Y/N said. "She finished the 500g of gummy bear Toge bought for me in 15 minutes.." she pouted.

"...500g?! 15 minutes?!"

Inumaki patted the girl's head before pulling out a lollipop from his pocket, "Tuna mayo."

She smiled widely, "Candy!"

The male unwrapped the lollipop and placed it into the girl's mouth before patting her head again as she hums happily.

Yuji, who was looking at them tilted his head before turning to Megumi. "Are they perhaps.. dating?"

"Nope, they're best friends."

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